Oct 12, 2006 12:15
I have recently been dreaming about eerie, haunted places, that draw me in through bizarre connections. Even up to last year, such dreams would surely frighten me enough into paralysis upon waking, and leave me scared for the rest of the day. Oddly, this is not what occurred in the following two dreams.
I feel that this first dream is a recurrent dream. I can't be certain, because it was in the dream that I felt as though I had dreamt it before. The events happened like the second play-through of a video game, except the outcome was different. It had a very Silent Hill-feel to it.
I am working as a nanny in a mansion. The matriarch of the family is a very powerful woman, and has at least two daughters. The eldest is a rebellious woman, maybe a couple of years my junior. The youngest, who is under my charge, is a sweet little girl with long black hair (she almost resembles Samara from the Ring). I am not paying attention at a family event outside, and the little girl has climbed up a tree. She falls, and has a black eye. Her mother is furious with me for not keeping a more careful eye on her.
There is to be a huge social event later, and the mansion is filled with people. I don't know how many stories the mansion is, but there's a staircase in the center, that seems to keep going up forever. It's built in a way that you in a square to ascend to the next level (like some apartment buildings/fire exit stairways). I stumble into a hidden room where the matriarch is gathered with what appears to be a coven of witches. She seeks me out, cursing me. I run away from her and her coven, and make it outside. At some point in my dream, the little girl has disappeared entirely, and is presumed dead. This adds to the mother's sense of vengeance and hatred for me. Outside, I stand near the tree that the girl fell from, and I see a huge mural painted on the side of the mansion. It shows me, with almost Indian-like decorations around my eyes, the tree, the little girl, and the coven. I turn, and see the coven approaching me. They have painted this, and it curses me. I run from them again.
I find myself upstairs in the older daughter's room. We talk, and there's a sort of romantic interlude between us. I tell her that we should leave and go to my house. I have designs to sleep with her. We sneak away to my house (my old house in rural PA), and we go inside. Something prompts me to go back outside, and there, on the side of my house is the same mural. The coven has found me again.
I'm back in the mansion, and this is where the real sense of deja vu is. I have dreamt this before. I have been in this scenerio before. (At least, this is how I feel in my dream, my waking memory cannot confirm). I am running up the stairs.
Last time: I make it to one floor, and ring a doorbell (inside the house). Because the matriarch is approaching, I do not wait for the door to be answered. If I had waited, even with the woman approaching, the door would be opened and I would be free (to where, I don't know, except maybe just free from the house). I continue to the next floor. I slip on a cyclindrical can of something on the steps. I'm caught. The spirits in the house have become more and more apparent each floor that I go up. After I slip, they are fully visible, and they suck me into the house. I'm trapped in this situation forever, forced to repeat the same events, starting with the little girl climbing the tree and falling. I do have choices to make, and they can affect the outcome. (Seeing the coven in the hidden room, talking with the eldest daughter and going to my house, waiting for the door, knowing about the can on the steps...The first play/dream, I did not know about any of these things, so they contributed to my ultimate doom).
This time: I remember how this played through before. I run up the steps, but I see the can before I make it to the door. I pick up the can and throw it down the steps. This slows down the approaching matriarch. I make it to the door, ring the bell, and wait for it to open. It opens. I should be free from the house, and free from repeating this story. I wake up with and the story ends with the open door. I do not know if I leave, or if I am able to leave. The open door shows hope, yet my waking feeling is that I am still a captive of the house, stuck in the cycle. I do not know if I am dead, if the family is dead, how long they have been dead, if they (and the little girl especially) have been dead all along, or I have been dead all along. I do not know how the evil cycle started in the first place.
Second dream:
I am visiting Sarah Winchester's mansion. It is dusk, and I am on a tour of the house. After seeing creepy apparition after apparition, I learn that the tour coordinators and maintainers of the house have rigged something up with the electricity, so that they can force images to appear in the house. They make sure that these images always appear, however, because they are so realistic, you can never be sure when you see one if it has been artificially generated or if it is a real spirit. The weather, and electrical currents in the air, also have an effect on the images appearing. I had a strange feeling in this house. When I saw things, I alone could tell if they were real spirits or artificial. The things that I saw were real. Even with other people around me touring the inside and outside of the house, when I saw the real apparitions, they made me feel alone. The spirits were seeking me out specifically. I gaze into a red pool below a dead/dying tree (maybe an ash tree?) outside the house. I see the reflection of myself and the tree at first, then I mentally call out to the spirit in the pool. A white image appears inside it. In Sarah Winchester's house too, there is a feeling that these spirits want me to become a part of them, and stay with the place forever.
In both of these dreams, I was not afraid upon waking. Things were more bizarre and eerie than they were terrifying. The creepiness was similar to a calm, peacefulness--an understanding of the circumstances, and an acceptance of them.