Weekend Catchup Post

Feb 22, 2011 18:42

This weekend was a complete blur - lots of stuff happened.

1)  I got serious about HRH's kirtle, and fought with that off and on throughout the weekend.  I re-started to sew on rings for the misbegotten teal kirtle.  Got one side done.  (argh)  Of my own projects, I accomplished relatively little, due to my flitterbugging all over the place.  Oh, and my silk for the background of the PPoD came in, so I've been working on that off and on as well.

2)  Jane & Sara came down both Friday and Saturday to work on their individual projects.

I got Sara all set up with a new bodice pattern for a "V" fronted gown.  By the end of the weekend, she had everything done on the bodice with the exception of some trim, and still to decide the shoulder treatments.  I'll check in with her and see what she decided to do.

Jane busted out nearly an entire pair of bodies - by the time she left, we had patterned her out, and she had done 97% of the construction.  Still to do are cutting & dipping the boning, and binding.  (I tortured her with making her own bias binding.....I don't think she was too happy with me........)  At the very end of their time here, we 'blackworked' her smock with a pattern on my machine.  I totally messed up one of the sleeves and did it upside down.....Jane's never going to trust me again!

Isn't the fabric she's using for her corset just NUMMY?!?!

3)  On Sunday, I finally buckled down and helped Sherece fix her purple kirtle.  We re-did the neckline, made a facing, took in the back seam, added a gore in the center back skirt, and re-did the shoulders.  Phew!  Can you believe it?!  I *actually* sorta-mended something!  >.<  She liked the outcome, and looks totally cute.  I, of course, forgot to take photos of the finished dress.  :(  I did, on the other hand, take a picture of the EPIC burn of epicness I got that day.....it matches my year-old burn on the other arm.

4)  On Saturday, we held a Fajita/Margarita party at my house.  It was super fun, and Sherece and her two boys spent the night.  (Sherece and I sewed the next day, while her boys cycled through all our 'toys' (PS3, Kinect, XBox, etc)  During the party, Marshall-Pants finally 'officially' proposed to The Strid.  Much joy was had, and it is captured on video.  (Hooray!)  I need to do some massive editing of the video, it's far, far too long to put you guys through.  ;)
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