This post is going to be a little out of left field.

Jul 11, 2012 18:00

So, I ordered a "fancy-ass" DNA testing kit. One of those that will trace Matrilineal lines for x number of generations and will possibly show ancestral migration paths, etc. I'm curious to see what it says (and it will be some time before I know since I only JUST ordered the test *g*). I'm putting this info here because 1. I kind of need to get it out of my system and 2. I'm not sure how some of this will be received.

I admit that one of the reasons I'm starting to delve into DNA research and genealogy is because I want to find more connections with my father's past. I have almost no information from that side of the "tree" if you will.

My mother is still alive and talks quite a bit about some of her relatives. Out of all of her relatives/ancestors (including pastors, one of whom I am told co-founded the German Reformation church here in the U.S.), I want to know about one specific person. I apparently have a transgender ancestor. She was born, Helen (I believe) but always tried to live life as Henry. I only know that Henry spent a lot of time in and out of sanatariums for "treatments".

So, here is where I start. I think next is Anyone have an experience with doing stuff like this? I am a total newbie at all of this.


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