I honestly don't know why I do this

Jun 22, 2008 20:37

So, it was recently suggested to me that I revive this Livejournal. I honestly don't know anyone who reads here but not on facebook, but none-the-less here it is.

What Truly Matters

I sat in a Starbucks about six months ago, and had the pleasure of listening to what one might call a pair of common University Students. Nothing particularly conservative about them, nothing particularly liberal, just common. They sat at the table behind me, and shortly after ordering their drinks began the drivel that was their conversation. They opened with a foray into politics that consisted of light and hopeful endorsements of Barrack Obama, and some pseudo-intellectual banter about how “our generation” is not the least bit racist. The two of them then moved to world affairs, and my ears perked up. What does the CUS think of the emergence of China, or the uniting of Europe, or the tensions with Russia? I thought. However, soon my hopes of answers to such questions were dashed as discussion quickly zeroed in on perhaps my list favorite international issue DARFUR. As I heard the name the first time, my head sunk into my chest in despair. How excessively common. The two then proceeded to talk on the issue for around 20 minutes. They then parted ways, and I quickly forgot about them.
I returned to that same Starbucks less then a week ago, and low and behold the two entered again. Once more they sat within ear shoot. Perhaps I can get an update on Darfur, I thought with only the lightest hint of my cynic soul. The topic, however, never came up. They began once more with politics. Congratulating each other on the win “people like them” had just handed to Barrack Obama. They quickly glossed over Mr. Russert’s death, and moved on to the new key item of the day, 4 dollar gasoline. Is the genocide over? Their banter once more continued for no less then 20 minutes before, once again, they parted ways. As they left I noticed the male had been wearing the “Stop Genocide Now” t-shirt that you know I adore. After I was done with my day, I rushed to my computer to check and see if the t-shirt had come true and they had ended genocide. I was thoroughly surprised to see they hadn’t. As I glared at the screen of my computer, a realization gently hit me. People are selfish. They always have been, they always will be. Once presented with a threat to themselves, which apparently high gas prices are, all of the idealized priorities disappear. Darfur doesn’t matter because Darfur doesn’t cost those two money.

Do note, I write this not to propound the idea that United States should intervene in Darfur, but to remind us all of what truly matters, the wallets in our pockets.

Get Smart Review

So I think I have fallen deeply in love with writing notes. I know I know I said I would never fall in love at first sight, but hey I’ve been wrong before. Anyhow, I saw Get Smart today and thought I might as well review it here.
Overall, the film was funny. I laughed aloud no less then four times, which is a lot for me with this type of comedy. Most, if not all, these laughs originated from Steve Carrel’s portrayal of Mr. Smart. There is a certain natural awkwardness about Mr. Carrel that makes all of his performances entertaining. However, despite Mr. Carrel’s talent there were some serious problems with the film.
The first and most blaring of these problems was he series of jokes dealing with President Bush. Once again Hollywood has presented us with an idiot southern President who cannot pronounce the word nuclear, is uncultured, and relies too heavily upon his vice president. Read that sentence once more. Your eyes do not deceive you. The writers actually saw fit to include a “nuclear” joke. I am unsure of the date of the “nuclear” incident, but it occurred before the 2004 election. That was over FOUR YEARS AGO. That is the equivalent of Hollywood commenting on the Lewinski affair in Austin Powers in Goldmember. I find it very hard to believe we can forgive adultery in the oval office, not to mention the PURGERY BEFORE CONGRESS faster then we can forgive a mispronounced word. YES HOLYWOOD WE GET IT, OUR PRESIDENT IS NOT AS INTELLIGENT AS YOU ARE!!! GET OVER YOURSELVES!! I apologize for that outburst, but I think it may be necessary to get across to those below the large white sign. Shame on you Tom Astle and Matt Ember for continuing this excessive beating of a dead horse lame duck.
The second issue I had with the film, was its obvious plot development. Perhaps here I am being too critical. Get Smart is a parody spy film, how surprising could the plot be. Wait, The Man Who Knew Too Little was a parody spy film, and it was able to portray the stereotypical spy plot while continuing to surprise me. So I guess Get Smart should have done the same. Less explosions, more plot please. The major twist become obvious about five minutes into the film, but was not properly revealed until about five minutes from the end. On a side note, Mr. Shyamalan I apologize, someone can make a more stereotypical and horribly obvious twist then you did in The Happening.
In the end, I give the film 3 out of 5 stars. Mr. Carrel was funny, Miss Hathaway was sassy, and Mr. Arkin was angry. However, the plot was ill-conceived and stereotypical in a non-funny way.

P.S. I hope that in November once our next President has been selected, Hollywood will let go of Mr. Bush. I don’t think I could take another four years of this mindless comedy.
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