So...I have adopted a puppy. My parents' dog had a litter before they were able to get her fixed. And, since my cat passed away last month (well, two months ago now, I guess...time goes by so quickly), I figured what the hell. I thought about a kitten, but I dunno. That would have felt weird. Both my cats were extremely lap-oriented and would actually come when I called. I have a feeling I would have found up with a stereotypical standoffish cat, and that would have been a little hard to adjust to so soon after Tabby passed. So I decided to avoid that whole issue and go with a dog.
Now, I'm very used to dogs (we never had fewer than 3 at a time growing up), but it's been a looooong time since I've lived with a puppy. Especially one with no other puppies/dogs around to wear him out. He's quite the little scamp (he gnaws up rawhide like it's going out of style). I admit, it was a little rough at first, adjusting to each other (he's at that stage where he has a panic attack if I so much as step out of his line of sight, so I have to carry him up the spiral stairs so he can lie at my bedside at will be interesting to see how we cope when he's too big to carry...argh). But we're setting into a nice groove now, and he's such a sweetie.
Without further ado, behind the cut is Doyle (named after
Allen Francis Doyle; my mother kept one of the puppies from his litter and named her Buffy, so we have a little Whedon party going on).