Today in nakednessland:

Apr 13, 2010 14:07

Today I am sitting half-sidesaddle on a carpenter's horse in class, my head forward and my hair tossed partways over my face, trying not to think about getting splinters, watching the clock for the end of two minute sketches when I overhear the following:

Student: *grumblegrumble*..fuck, man.. *mumblemumble*..fatass models...*mumble*
Ridiculously Talented Art Professor: Excuse me, there?
Student: Uh, nothing..
RTAP: No, you said something?
Student: Well, I mean, it's like something is wrong with the model. Her legs are too fat compared to the wood thing, kinda too long for her body, and like her thigh spreads out at the top where she's sitting and stuff. I just think because we're paying for art school we should have models that are all like better shaped and proportioned, you know?
RTAP: What's your major?
Student: It's, um, painting.
RTAP: *raising voice* Then start acting like an artist and draw what's in front of you. Until you can represent on canvas exactly what you see, you aren't an art student, you're a dilettante with an attitude, ok? There is nothing wrong with this model, and we're lucky to have someone of her flexibility to sit for us. So if you need to conform to a photoshop bulimic ideal to see inspiration, do us all a favor and transfer to fashion design, ok?
Student: ...........
*snickers from the rest of the class*

After class the professor asked if I was ok, to which I replied that hearing him cut that little hipster brat down to size more than made up for the irritation of hearing him bitch about me every single time I sit for that class. He grinned and asked me to drinks when the semester is over. Awwww, so ethical :)

Next week my prop will, weather permitting, be a reflecting pool on the prof's neighbor's roof. Have SPF 75, will expose myself to the entire city for shits and giggles.
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