(no subject)

May 13, 2006 08:21

it has occurred to me that maybe one of the reasons that yesterday was so wonderful was because it was wonderful as a whole. normally i'll have a day that will either start off shitty and then i'll end up having a great night, or i'll have a great day and then come home and it will be completely ruined. but not yesterday. yesterday started out great and ended great. maybe there was about an hour of yesterday that sucked, but out of the 17 hours i was awake, one shitty hour is pretty good. i'm really happy. i went to the MoMA (museum of modern art) and the Met, yesterday with french (my favorite class), where i spent the whole day with colin (one of my favorite people) listing things that make me happy. seeing as listing is great and i'm kind of still in a listing mood instead of writing paragraphs i'm going to list reasons why yesterday was great.

1) city
2) moma
4) colin and i bought the most amazing coloring book that has ever been created
5) the photography wing at the moma
6) giant lamps.
7) andy warhol
8) monet
9) the fucking momaaaaaaaa
10) spending the day with good people who just make me happy in general
11) swords and armor.
12) running into mr. tornetta at the met and scaring the shit out of him
13) finding out chad lemauel is jealous of mr. tornettas favoritism of me ahhahaha
14) old man with a bow-tie
15) wearing my hair down
16) cigarettes on the steps of the met
17) seeing a great assortment of old people
18) i think this asian photographer took a picture of me and colin looking out a window (but hopefully i didnt mess it up when i turned around and walked into him...)
19) the fucking MOMAAAAA is amazing jksdafgfsdf
20) i saw the cutest baby in existence on the train
21) my minnie mouse umbrella.
22) going to gregs
23) hanging out with greg, kelsey, neil, matt, ryan, john, nicole, and joe
24) drinking so much vodka that i passed out
25) the bed i passed out on (amazing.)
26) the couch i later relocated to
27) the movie scream.
28) john barrett pouring his heart out
29) neil making fun of john barrett pouring his heart out
30) going to sleep knowing that i get to do most of that again tonight.

i honestly can only think of one thing that could make me happier right now.
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