Oct 05, 2004 18:08
Wow...ok...So I had the most awesome weekend ever. On friday, we started out by winning our first soccer game! 6-0! It was awesome, except for we sank down to the other teams level of playing (which I can tell u, is really fucking bad). Then I went to dreke's house with morton and my sister so that we all could go to the homecoming game at Minnetonka. I know what you're thinking...my sister? But yeah, Im really liking my sister these days. She's cool and not so depressing anymore, even though she can be mean. And I felt bad cause I knew she didnt have any plans and she would probably just go home and watch TV...
So we got to the game and we were standing in line, and I heard someone call my name and it was jackson standing with Jeff and Don behind the gates. Apparently I had looked directly at them like 4 times with realizing. I swear to god im going blind. That and they had the sun behing them, so I could only see their silhouttes.
So for the entire first half of the game we stood on the bleachers and didn't really watch much of anything. There was a lot of talking about not much of anything and me pretending to be really protective of Jeff. He was being really sweet tho and holding onto my hands cause they were cold.
I also saw this girl there that I knew from Horace Mann back in 5th and 6th grade. Her name's Andrea. It's so weird that I saw her...I thought that I would never see any of them again. She's kinda a punk-goth now. She used to be really bright and happy and she hung out with Liz Homuth and Molly Kasen. Wow...its really weird to talk about those people. She also told me that my best friend, Nicki Erben, from that school has turned into a bitch. I dont care tho, I miss Nicki- and Kathy for that matter. I think stupid Anya Bormes turned Nicki against me, which really fucking sucks cause Anya Bormes didnt deserve to be friends with Nicki anyways...I really wonder how all of those people are....
Anyways back on topic!
So after half-time, we were all really cold so we decided to go sit in Don's car, which everyone agreed was alot more fun. Lol, Don was switching from the driver's seat to the passenger's seat and i was sitting in the back, and I totally saw his ass. It was really funny, except I didn't realize how funny it was at the time. Lol, so a little later, Morton, Dreke, and my sister decide to go to get hot chocolate. So I take the oppurtunity to climb up onto Jeff's lap and kiss him (it was really fun). And so im sitting there and were kissing and i hear this pounding on the window and its jackson (of course) and he makes this really hilarious face at us.
So after that we went back to Don's house. And Jeff and I made out, some more. lol, I felt bad tho cause my sister was just sitting there with Don for like an hour and they didnt talk. But whatever, I had fun....
Then on Saturday, I went to a Sukkot lunch at sara's dad's, which was cool cause i got to see Menachem and Rachel, who i never get to see. I miss them too!lol.
After that, Morton and Dreke came back to my place and helped me get ready for the dance. I curled my hair, cept it was being difficult and i didnt really quite get the affect that i was going for, but it still looked good. So Jeff came at 5 and picked me and Morton up, and Dreke went home. Jeff looked sooooooo hott! AH! He brought me this beautiful corsage too, which I totally wasnt expecting and i must've looked like a dumbass cause i got flustered and put it on myself rather than having him put it on for me. but its all ok. So Jeff's mom drove us all to Matt's house. And then we all went out to dinner at Big Bowl. It was really fun. Matt and Trevor started making jokes about me and jeff cause i was holding his hand underneath the table and they were joking that i was giving him a handjob (the funny bit is, that they didnt see the irony in that). So when the waitress came with our checks, She thought that matt and morton were together, so she gave matt her bill. Which is totally hilarious because she was supposedly going with don and she wasnt even sitting nxt to matt. Matt flirts shamelessly with stephanie. Its really hilarious. But i like matt a lot better now. So its all good.
So after dinner, I had to kiss stephanie good bye because Don decided to be a poopey and not go to the dance. I still had a lot of fun with jeff tho. It was really funny, Jeff took a helium balloon and sucked all the air out of it and went up to Matt and Trevor and started singing "Over the Rainbow". lol...So then the like actual dancing started and lol, Jeff and i barely actually danced, which was great. I dont think i've ever had more people in my entire life combined tell me to get a room so many as i had people tell us that saturday night...It was really really fun and I had a really good time with Jeff.
So then on sunday (yes the story continues)....
I was sitting online with steph and don, and we were all in a chat room talking about how horny we all were (lmao, it sounds really bad now, but it was just funny then), so we decided to call jeff up and go met at ep for a movie. I didnt even try to watch any of the movie. lol, I remember less of Cellular than I do of Master and Commander, which says a lot because i dont remember anything about Master and Commander....ahh...but that was back in the conservative days of Andrew...
Right so that was my weekend...
Im going to meet jeff at dons on friday and im already really excited. Im starting to really like that boy...well not starting but its being more apparent.