Jul 07, 2005 12:54
yeah so it's katie lol fun times fun times lol
on the 4th of juuuuuuulyyyyy carolina came over and we hung out and watched the dancing heads dvd's from jake's bar mitzvah lol and then we took my dog for a walk and carolina met robbie lololololololol sorry... kinda a inside joke that you'll understand if you know the story but i'm too lazy right now to type the entire story cuz i'm going to the pool in a sec so just ask me to tell you later on if you want to know it!! okay... anyway lol then we went to my mom's friend's house and hung out and then watched the fireworks and hten came back home and on the way we saw a fire and so we CALLED 911 AND SAVED SEATTLE lololol :) wow we're just so special lol :-D lol
oh!! and then i had my first swim meet of the summer on tuesday lol fun fun fun i've improved since last year (thankfully) only i'm also kinda sad cuz like i was just in washington dc for a week... and if you're not on a swim team you won't understand this but i didn't get a chance to practice or anything so i got soooo out of shape. and it pisses me off so much cuz if we had gone to a swim meet BEFORE i went to dc then i would have made prelims in all of my events!!!!!!! i'm soooooo not kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uggablahh lol but so now i have to shorten my freestyle time by like 5 seconds and my breaststroke time by :-\ 10 seconds lol but i'll do it!!!!!!!! seriously... I WILL!!!!!!!!!!!! lol cuz swimming in exhibitions sucks... boo hoo lol OH! and i had to swim in a u-18 relay cuz they were missing someone!! and they also had kelly in their relay too cuz her sister was supposed to be in teh relay but she wasn't there lol so we lost.... HORRIBLY lol and we dq-ed but w/e lol
KLAHAYA MEET TONIGHT!!!!!!!! LOL omg carolina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm gonna meet RYAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
omg,,, carolina again!!!!!! robbie's on my team!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah yikes lol when i first met him i thought that would be the last time... but now he's like everywhere.... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah especiallly cuz he's 11 and he reminds me of those guys that were hitting on julian that one time lolololololololol (haha julian, maddie, and sara) lol yay for fun times lol
omg and also... I GOT A CELL PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol yayyyyyyyyy!! lol actuallly... it's my mom's OLD cell phone... as in like... really old lol but i dont care cuz it's a CELL PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!! lol
good time boys is like the coolest song evvvvvvverrrrrrrrrrrr lol
good good time boys
make me feel good
here the good times
yeah yeah yeah yeah
^^wow that's like exactly what i feel like too lol
i luvvvv the chili peppers