You're just saying that because you want to hear it, arn't you XDD Seriously though, last time I did it I sprayed water all over myself because I started laughing XDD GARGLING IS MORE DANGEROUS THEN THEY LET ON.
OMG ICON LOVE. I don't think there is one of your icon's I am not planning a secret secret elopement with they are that fantastic. Have I all ready told you this? :O
entertaining/impressing him.:)
I can gargle Opera #2. I THINK THAT'S DAMN IMPRESSIVE. The cows'll come home before that gets put on a CD and delivered to Vitas, though! XDDDD
There's a sense of humor in that boy, after all!
OMG ICON LOVE. I don't think there is one of your icon's I am not planning a secret secret elopement with they are that fantastic. Have I all ready told you this? :O
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