Dec 12, 2004 13:35
It seems that I only know one of my grades so far...but its a B in a class I was actually worried about. Other than that, I'm pretty sure I passed all my classes, but doubts still remain. I shall wait and see Tuesday.
Lots of projects slated for the doesn't seem that I get to rest, but then no one ever said life was fair...besides, I'm sure its my own damn fault somehow =o)
Hanukkah dinner was wonderful, it was like a nice mixture of Thanksgiving and Christmas rolled into one. I never realized how hard it is to cook a big meal for everyone!! Lots o love out to all my homies. Oh yeah.
Still need to fix Jack...I'm using Alice at home right now, and the sooner we get an internet connection, the better. I'm jones'in here people! In fact, I need to look into that power supply thing right now...thank you for reminding me.
Last but not least fo all you peeps, if you want to get in touch with me over christmas break, the only way you wil be able to do so is to call me. me =o)
Life is good.