Dec 10, 2006 12:21
there are two things a man has in this life: his word and his name.
a mans name is in direct relation to his word. the credibility of a mans word will in turn build the credibilty of his name. therefore, i have lived by this and will continue to do so:
a mans name is only as good as his word.
why care? whats the big deal about a mans name. a name does not define us. we define ourselves. much like the definition of a word, that definition is shortened and represented by a single word. our name is not what defines us, but it is a representation of how we define ourselves. i take much pride in my name. i take as much pride in my word. i am truely sorry to all that i may have faultered.
we cannot see the value of our own name, it is there for others to see. we simply hold it out for all to see. i often wonder of the value of my name . . .
what is Hartman worth?