May 19, 2006 22:24
So randomly today I got a CD in the mail from my cousin's aunt (you know, her other side not related to me)and it turns out her son has been lead vocalist in this band for two years. Crazy because I can remember him as a painfully shy little boy who I ate cherries with in the backyard. And I think he had a guinea pig. Funny how you never know what people will turn into to. I'm hoping that someday I will be an oak tree after all. A big one.
Other than that, things have been the same old stuff. Little kids everywhere and working all the time. I must admit I've been reconsidering my summer plans. I might have to take another look at my game plan.
But until we meet again, have fun in this crazy world!!
Side notes- ANNABELLE: I opened my chocolate a few nights ago, my last one was "Wink at someone driving past today--in bed."
Quote for the working man: "Do you think she didn't realize they were PEOPLE names?"~ Shayne 'White Chocolate' Lepper