Хозяин глубин.

Aug 09, 2017 18:17

Атлантический океан, Азорский архипелаг, акватория острова Сан Мигель, стая кашалотов под водой.
Фотограф: Виталий Сокол
Камера: Canon 5DS+20mm f/2.8 lens.
Участники заплыва: Михаил Коростелев, Laura Outeiro, Rui Rodrigues и Виталий Сокол


According to the regional legislation swimming with whales and other cetaceans that are not dolphins is forbidden in the Azores" and "This work was performed under the authorization n.º 15-ORAC-2016 issued by the Azores Regional Government, on 07-09-2016

#azores, azores, spermwhales, underwater, whales, путешествия

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