The name is Lucy, the 18 19 20 21 year old with the crazy imagination with random episodes and epiphanies not to mention obsessions. Leave a comment if you are interested in adding me. Sometimes I might get busy and forget to add people back so this is just to remind me. I'm not so picky with people and I'm always up to making new friends. I do ask that you say a few things we share in common and I will put up a few rules- nothing hard okies?
[[♣]] No bashing other friends here. Take advantage and make new friends!
[[♣]] Don't feel pressured. I don't care if you post once a week or everyday- I like knowing about other people so don't think that I'll complain if you post to much.
[[♣]] Comments are love. If you don't like commenting I understand but I love comments and giving them.
[[♣]] Speak your mind. Hey, I like intellectual individuals and I won't get offended if you share an opinion. Feel free to do so!