002 | video

Sep 18, 2011 08:50

[Estelle can only assume with the things she has seen over the network is that there is a curse going on today. Though while people have newfound hair colors such as pink, purple, blue - all unconventional ones, this Princess has found herself with a lovely shade of natural brown. While she’s rather used to her pink locks, she doesn’t fret over having a brown shade if only because it’s something new. And hopefully it will wear off.

Though today was the day she chose to finally inquire about a job, so maybe it wasn’t such a good day for this to happen. She wouldn’t want to lie to anyone about her hair color! Does that even matter when job hunting?

However, the video feed opens with a brown haired Estelle smiling brightly as per usual.]

Hello everyone! [She motioned to bow her head toward the camera, greeting her audience.] I was told that there are restaurants in this city, and would like to inquire about a job if anyone is hiring. As for my previous experience, I have helped waitress a busy restaurant once and I thoroughly enjoyed it. [She’s not sure that’s enough experience, but she figured it would be best to get that out there. She also wants to make mention about restaurants possibly having cute uniforms, but that shouldn‘t be her concern right now - right now she should be more concerned about getting an income for herself so she no longer has to rely on Rita for that.]

because you're worth it, !ic, &luke fon fabre, &yuri lowell, &euphemia li britannia, *video, !curse

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