not that cows would be better

Jul 15, 2008 15:29

The bad:

At this moment I smell like my dad used to smell after he came home from work when I was little and he worked at The Dairy. No, not like cows. And not like dairy products - more like, the industrial things that he would encounter when he went down into the milking, packaging, and loading dock areas. (Off topic, but the whole basement of the place was crawling with these conveyor belts that were used to move heavy crates of milk from point A to point B, and when my sister Kim and I were little we thought they were the best things EVER. We hated Saturday afternoons when my mom needed a break from us and my dad would take us to work, but following the stacks of milk around somehow made it much better.) Anyway, I smell like oil and grease and, I dunno, dusty metal? I'm helping to build a Drosophila egg injection station (which I definitely didn't do in childhood), and somehow I feel transported into childhood.

The good:

Kiti is safe and sound.

We are submitting a paper today.

Irvine was rated the 4th best city under 300,000 people in which to live. Not that I necessarily agree with this or would use the same criteria to make the judgment as the editors of Money, but when you live in the suburbs you take what recognition you can get. I think it has everything to do with low crime and good schools and not so much to do with cost of living. And I can safely say they must not take into account the skills of the population's driving, especially in parking lots (let's just say when you own a Lexus, you own the entire world). Most people probably like all this sun, though.

My sister got a job at Banana Republic, which means discounted clothes for me (from Gap and Old Navy, too).

I thought Keith would be back, but Rachel Maddow is still hosting Countdown this week. :D


Now that my mental health seems to be on the upswing I'm trying to get back into writing again. So far no luck on re-training myself to get up at 7AM to do it.
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