documentaday 09.03.10

Sep 06, 2010 17:16

Autumn. Age 25, living in Fort Collins Colorado and attending Colorado State University. Also present, my fiance Tiffany who is also 25. This is my Friday Steptember 3, 2010 which was a day of classes, running errands and thrift store shopping, painting, movies and cleaning.

Good morning! This is after snoozing for 20 minutes or so.

A shot of my bedhead before I jump in the shower - not bad at all. The back is usually the worst.

Proof of shower.


So that I can see today.

Teeth brushing.

Tiffany, sleeping away. She'll be there until close to noon, I bet. :)

Kind of blurry, but proof that I put clothes on today.

Guzzle some water out of my Nalgene. I love this thing.

Begin to make breakfast - coffee that chilled overnight, greek yogurt with strawberries and banana and some wheat toast.

The finished product. I was starving at this point.

Timecheck as I head to the living room, pictured below.

Stop to uncover and say good morning to our parakeets, Eleanor (yellow one) and Rigby (blue one). They proceed to be as loud as possible afterwards to try and "talk" the the neighbor's birds (a few parakeets and cockateils). I guess she had her windows closed, as they didn't talk back which made them sad.

Internetting before I start on my homework that I didn't the night before and thus have to do before class.

Turns out I didn't need to do this either. :(

All done with homework and breakfast.

Another timecheck on my way back to the bedroom to grab some socks and say bye to Tiffany.

It's a chucks kind of day.

Get all my stuff together to take to school.

Right before I left - It was actually cold that morning, hence the jacket. It's the beginning of September and it's already dropping down into the 50s at night/in the morning and the leaves are changing too. Being from Texas, this is still weird even though I've lived in Colorado for two years now.

Out to my car (the green one), Tuesday. I just got her a few weeks before this and am still way excited to have such a unique car (she's a 1977 VW Rabbit). The car to the right is Tiffany's car.

I brought the dinosaur out (which I got at Target the day before) to find a home on my dash.

On my way - check out the mountains in the back. I love seeing every time I leave my house.

Parked my car like a mile from campus since I refuse to pay for a parking spot.

First thing I see on campus (Colorado State University). I love this particular spot.

Eddy building - my first and third classes (Logic and Critical thinking, Spanish) are in here. I really dislike this building - I swear that ALL the freshman classes are in here and since school just started they haven't gotten the hang of things and when classes end they just stand in the halls and cause traffic jams. Argh!

My second class, History and Philosophy of Scientific Thought (I'm a philosophy major). We spent 50 minutes discussing the term "void" and whether it was an actual thing or not. Well - the rest of the class. I played on LJ because I was bored and had read extensively about this a few days before.

A shot of a strange piece of art on the walk back to the first building.

Back to my car! By this time I felt like I had been awake for 12 hours. And it's only 1, so my day is far from over.

Stop at Starbucks for something to wake me up a bit.

Home! I am so happy to see this door again.

The first thing I see - Tiffany! She models her lunch.

Eat my lunch - leftover Angelhair and artichokes (homemade) from the previous night. And some internetting.

Lunch done, ready to leave. A picture together before we're out the door to run errands and go to some thrift stores.

First stop, the library. I caught a picture of our shadows right outside.

The brand new library just down the street from us.

Loot from the library. A couple cookbooks, two books for Tiffany and a movie.

Go right around the corner to Sprouts. Not my preferred place to shop (I like Sunflower Market instead), but it's right there and we just need a few things.

Broccoli, cauliflower and some trail mix for a snack.

Next stop, Arc. This place was insanely crowded with college students getting halloween costumes. I don't understand - that's like two months away. But this place is known for their huge selection of halloween stuff.

...and then goodwill. No halloween stuff there, and thus much less crowded.

And next Zales, so Tiffany can drop of her ring to be re-sized. We snap a picture before she gives it up for a week.

What we got at the thrift stores - our food cabinet is such a mess, so we decided to look for jars and such to organize it. I was really excited about the thing with drawers (which I will later paint). Oh, and a waffle maker for only $5! It works well too.

A timecheck before I sit down with my painting project and a movie.

Pop in a movie, get setup to paint, and get some cocoa pebbles.

After the movie was over and the cabinet-thing was drying, we pull everything out of my cabinet so that we can organize. (Yes, it's a Friday night. We are this cool.)

Done! Grains and pasta and hot cereal on the bottom, random foodstuffs in the middle, baking supplies and tea on the top. Before this was all scattered with no semblance of organization.

Eat dinner. I got excited about the organizing and missed on on pictures of dinner preparation which happened while we were doing that. Rosemary pork roast, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli and cauliflower with some cheese sauce.

And it was good.

Messy kitchen afterwards. I like cooking, but I hate the resulting mess.

Much better.

The final product on the cabinet thing. I am happy with the results, and now I have something to store spices in other than a box.

A picture...just because?

Another movie. I didn't like it much so we didn't finish it.

PJs and glasses before we head to bed.

Last timecheck. I have to be up at 7 for work, so I was wanting to be asleep quite a bit before this.


colorado state university, fort collins, colorado, 09/03/2010

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