Tweets for Today

Jan 14, 2009 22:06

  • 05:12 @ B00KE Are you still setting Herbert? #
  • 05:13 Offered to take ten undergrads out for a drink last night. All declined. WTF? Who are these people? Social ivy my ass. #
  • 07:26 sketchy provenance info of the day: Horae, c. 1350. Purchased in 1939 from a dealer on the Quai Voltaire, Paris. #
  • 07:51 emails about conference proposals + google searches on renaissance humanism = ads for renaissance weddings in my gmail #
  • 09:52 @ B00KE Come to Englannnnnnd (pref. w/ a copy of Herbert) and I will buy you FIVE. Not four, not six, but FIVE drinks. #
  • 10:33 @ B00KE FIVE for me and FIVE for you. #
  • 12:41 null #
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