Woah, I'm alive!
Back in the realms of computer connectivity. I spent the last few days in the Hill Country, went to Jay's birthday party, drank homemade beer and stayed up late listening to homemade music.
I also spent a considerable quantity of time in the car, most of which I passed by catching up on PodCastle and Friday Night Comedy. And oh my stars and fluffy clouds above, guys. All of the stories and readings I listened to were consistently great, as usual, but I finally listened to Tina Conolly's reading of Samantha Henderson's "The Mermaid's Tea Party," and it was giant and took about of a third of the way from San Antonio to H-Town, and it scared the weeping bejeesus out of me. The way she did the mermaid voices...Seriously, if you haven't heard it yet, go listen. Especially if you have a thing for terrifying carnivorous mermaids, I am talking to you
Also in PodCastle news, I have just been apprised that
tithenai's "And Their Lips Rang With the Sun" is being read, and sure enough, it is right there in my downloads queue and I am so excited.