The Steam Loom Weaver

Mar 03, 2010 16:57

Published as an anonymous broadside in England, c. 1830.

One morning in summer I did ramble,
In the pleasant month of June,
The birds did sing the lambkins play,
Two lovers walking in their bloom,
The lassie was a steam loom weaver,
The lad an engine driver keen,
All their discourse was about weaving.
And the getting up of steam.

The said my loom is out of fettle,
Can you right it yes or no,
You say you are an engine driver,
Which makes the steam so rapid flow;
My lambs and jacks are out of order,
My laith in motion has not been,
So work away without delay,
And quickly muster up the steam.

I said fair maid you seem determined,
No longer for to idle be,
Your healds and laith I’ll put in motion,
Then work you can without delay,
She said young man a pair of pickers,
A shuttle too I want you ween,
Without these three I cannot weave,
So useless would be the steam.

Dear lass these things I will provide,
But when to labour will you begin
As soon my lad as things are ready
My loom shop you can enter in.
A shuttle true and pickers too,
This young man did provide amain.
And soon her loom was put in tune
So well it was supplied with steam.

Her loom worked well the shuttle flew,
His knickers play’d the tune nick-nack,
Her laith did move with rapid motion,
Her temples, healds, long-lambs and jacks,
Her cloth beam rolled the cloth up tight,
The yarn beam emptied soon its seam,
The young man cried your loom works, light
And quickly then off shot the steam.

She said young man another web,
Upon the beam let’s get don’t strike,
But work away while yet it’s day,
This steam loom weaving well I like.
He said good lass I cannot stay,
But if a fresh warp you will beam
If ready when I come this way,
I’d strive for to get up the steam.

poetry, poem

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