I wasn't... seriously, it's like Hogwarts... Mount Holywarts?
That's the chapel (which is interfaith, though it obviously has a "churchy feel" to it. It's very, very beautiful however. Great acoustics for the pipe organ in there too!
Clapp Laboratory building. One of the three "science buildings" (which do hold some other classes, but it's mainly science.)
Closeup on the sign for the above building. Doesn't the font even make you think "Harry Potter"!
The Chapel from another angle. It's so pretty!
One end of the Library... see the bottom of the post for more info on the Library here
The GIGANTIC birch tree. This picture does it absolutely no justice whatsoever! I love this tree. My classroom for Bio & Chem is right behind it. Anyways... the tree kind of reminds me of the Whomping Willow!
A better view of the building where my Bio & Chem class is held. It's a lecture hall that is pretty much from the door over (to the right). This is part of the Library as well... the Library is frickin' MASSIVE!
More of the Library...
Again, more of the Library (which is big enough, in my opinion, to be capitalized!)
That's the building where security and axillary services is... and I think it looks a bit like Hagrid's Hut from the movies...
Also, everyone here is a Harry Potter fan... want proof?
Each Residence Hall made a banner for the hall; most used a play on words (Abbey became "Diagon Abbey" instead of "Diagon Alley"; Hamm became "BuckingHAMM Palace"; Mead was "Butter MEAD up, buttercup", etc.) Plus, inside that hall there are three common rooms - and yes, they we all labeled with signs for each Hogwarts house! (Safford was lame... something with Transformers... like I said - lame.) Abbey also had the best artwork for their sign, in my opinion.
One of the bazillion minivans that dropped off first years on the first day of orientation.
Close up on the sign on the above minivan. Each year here has a different color and mascot. From seniors through freshman it's: Red Pegasuses, Yellow Sphinxes, Blue Lions, Green Griffins. The class color and mascot stays with you as you move up, but gets passed down from seniors one year, to the incoming freshman the next; the class of 2014 (next year's freshman) will be the Red Pegasuses. (I'm a Blue Lion... and it's Lions in honor of our school's founder, Mary Lyon; the rest are random, which means we're the best!!!)
Plus, here's a lecture that's happening tomorrow:
Harry Potter and the Discourses of Gender: Teaching Critical Thinking As for the Library... when I say "it's MASSIVE" I bloody well mean it! It's 740,000 square feet; 68,746 square meters!!! There's a page on the site devoted JUST to how to get around it. And seeing as the maps (yes, plural) don't make much sense, there had to make a "how to" video, also listed on that page.
Okay, so the following pictures aren't mine (the above all are), but I'll show them anyways:
Inside the first/ "main" room of the Library. I dare you to say that doesn't remind you of the Great Hall!
The Library's Entry Hall. See the two flags on the upper left side? The other two classes (red and green with their mascots) are hung on the other side. Tradition state you may only use the main staircase on whichever side your class's flag is hung. I've never gone up or down on the right side.
The gate to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Mount Holyoke College grounds!
Right... I'm now off to try and find some place in which to study in the Library... wish me luck (and if don't hear from me for a while, call in a search and rescue team!)