
Jul 26, 2009 11:57

If any males have somehow made it to this point, I would suggest turning back now!

Anyways - so, ever since I read a Harry Potter fanfic I can't but help thinking of werewolves when it comes to periods (can't recall the name of it, sorry, or I would totally rec it because it was made of win!) I know, that sounds weird... but hear me out, it's funny!

So, in the fanfic Sirius Black (being bored) was annoying Remus Lupin (which is apparently fun). After failing to get a reaction out of him after many attempts (getting wilder and more out-there each time) he finnaly asks Remus "Where do babies come from?" At first, Remus ignores him, trying to finish his work. Eventually, he gives in and explains. After an awkward conversation, Sirius asks "Is that why you get crabby once a month." Sirius barely has time to stand before Remus is taking off after him! In Sirius' defense: both women and werewolves get crabby/bitchy once a month, they have weird cravings during that time, both experience pain, and "potions" can help one keep their sanity during it (wolfsbane for Lupin, motherwort for girls!)

So: I am a werewolf right now *nods*

Tiger, being the cat-scan that she is, knows I'm feeling "bleh" today and is cuddly. Nuka, being Nuka, saw a human was laying down, which means said human needs to be laid on (First pic from when I tried to take a nap on the couch, second from while I'm sitting here surfing.)

Which reminds me of a meme:

Leave me a comment and I will give you a letter. Then, write 10 things that you love starting with that letter. Post the list in your journal. Give out letters to those who comment on your list in return.
sparkly_sparky gave me the letter "R":

1. Remus Lupin! He is tied with Sirius for being my favorite male main character in the Harry Potter series. I love them because they're both flawed and have to overcome people's first impressions of them.
2. Radek Zelenka! He's my favorite recurring character on Stargate: Atlantis.
3. Mr. Raisley! He was my 5th grade teacher. That class was my favorite :) We did so much fun stuff that year. He was brilliant at keeping everyone interested and providing differnt levels of difaculty within the project (allowing us to move at our own pace.) It was the class I was the least bored in, thus, I loved it!
4. Mrs. Reed! She was my ELP (Enriched Learning Program) teach in 4th and 5th grade. I would spend 60-90 minutes with her and 3-4 other "smart kids" in a separate from 2-3 times a week. We did random stuff that was above curriculum level. It was a blast! We made claymation movies on the ways dinosaurs might have died out (I did super-volcanoes!), made websites, studied periods in art (cave through modern), learned about the Maya culture, and LOADS more! It was sooooo much fun :) Plus, she was the one who helped us figure out my CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Disorder)
5. Random! That me, I'm random! Okay, well, I'm not... but I'm "good" at making lots of connections between topics in my head... and it happens wicked fast! So, after a 10 second lull in conversation, I'll say something like "Remember that time in Canada we ate at the restaurant with the moose outside?" When the conversation has been about crayons. Here's my thought process: crayons; crayons melted into the car seat; that happened while moving from Kodiak; Kodiak; moving to Kodiak; drove through Canada to get to Kodiak; long drive; I get hungry on long drives; food; food in Canada; restaurants in Canada; cool times at restaurants in Canada; that time there was a moose outside the restaurant while we ate. See it's "not" random :) And you totally followed that, right?
6. Ravioli! Dude, that it like the ONE food I miss gluten-free. There's plenty of GF pasta, but no GF ravioli, unless you make it yourself, and handmade pasta is a royal PitA!
7. Robin Hood: Men in Tights! Gotta love that Mel Gibson movie! It's just made of win and awesome :) "We are men, manly men! Men in tiiiiights! We roam around the forests looking for fights!"
8. Retried Thoroughbreds! AKA, OTTBs (Off the Track ThoroughBreds) Two of my favorite horses in Florida had been race horses previously. There's Nanny: he was a stud (literally, stallions are "studs") but very gentle. He broke the mold. Whereas most stallions are crazy, wild, and unpredictable, he was gentle, kind, sweet, and reliable. He was a good ride on the flat (knee injury prevented jumping.) He won over $200,000 racing. And there was Mr. Snowshoes. He raced three times, and lost all the races, before retiring... he just didn't like to run! But, what he did like was to JUMP! You had to aim him away from jumps! When he was bored in his paddock he would literally jump in and out for fun... it would seriously annoy the other horses!
9. Retrievers! I love both of my dogs, and they're both Golden Retriever/Chesapeake Bay Retriever mixes; although, Amber has more in her than just that.
10. R&R! If I read a fanfic, I'm really good about leaving a review... even if it's a crappy one (see previous post.)

Okay, "R" was hard!

random, fanfic, werewolf, rl, meme

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