Comings and goings

Jul 21, 2009 14:22

*Sing to 'Deck the Halls ( Read more... )

song spoof, a brat's life, rl, military

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vita_candeo July 25 2009, 03:31:02 UTC
We moved a lot, even for a military family. Let's see:

Age 2: Juneau, Alaska to Buffalo, New York
Age 2-5: two more moves within the area of Buffalo
Age 6: I actually turned six on the road between Buffalo, New York and San Antonia, Texas.
Age 7: SA, Texas to Colorado Springs, Colorado (could see Cheyenne Mountain (NORAD) from my parent's bedroom window!)
Age 8: Colorado to Kodiak, Alaska... hella long trip involving 8 states, Canada, visiting family and friends, AND 2 weeks on a ferry!
Age 10: Kodiak, Alaska to Honolulu, Hawaii. This one wasn't directly the military's fault. My sis needed specialized health care and the only facility with an open bed, and that was near a Coast Guard Base was there. We moved with about a day's notice, and no idea how long we would be there for... that was stressful!
Age 10: (3 months later) back to Kodiak, Alaska where my dad has been the whole time (me and my mom went so we could visit my Sister and stuff)
Age 11: (2 1/2 months later) Kodiak, Alaska to Trinity, Florida with a 3 week stay at Grandma's in Sitka, Alaska while the parents finish packing up/shipping the car to Seattle, Washington. We then drove from Seattle to Florida... looooong drive with waaaaay toooo many breakdowns (107* in the California desert NOT the best time to breakdown... also 4th of July weekend, so it took a week to get the car repaired!) \
Age 14: Trinity, Florida to Cleveland, Ohio
Age 15: (9 months) Cleveland, Ohio to Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

Plus, there were moves when I was little, little... but these are only the ones I remember!

I've moved too much... thus I'm programed to need to move *lol* Of course... Freud would say something else *rolls eyes*


sparkly_sparky July 25 2009, 17:57:16 UTC
Freud? not sure i get the reference.

Yeah that's quite a bit. I don't keep track by age, i keep track by grade:

There were at least 4 moves before first grade i think, but i dont remember those. But i know we started in Anchorage ended up in Colorado Springs ( i liked that place, you?)

1st grade: moved to Sierra Vista Arizona
2nd grade: moved to Killeen Texas
6th grade: moved to Monterey California
7th grade: moved to Fort Irwin California (only an eight hour trip - the nicest we've ever had except that was teh first tiem for us living on base and so with housing and all it took a while to get our stuff)
10th grade: moved to here in Georgia. (where my dad should be retiring soon with a little over twenty years in)

so only five major moves that i ever cared about.


vita_candeo July 25 2009, 18:34:02 UTC
Freud is a famous Psychologist, kinda "invented" the field... anyways, in his opinion EVERYTHING boils down to sex... he would say that my "need to move" would be a sexual attraction to boxes or packing tape or something like that... He was right on somethings, but waaaaaay off on others! IE, I'm so not sexually attracted to boxes or tape!

I love Colorado Springs! It was really pretty :) We had a Range Rover when we lived there (still have it too) so we took advantage of the mountains and all the off-roading opportunities they provided! I can tell you the story behind pretty much every dent on that Rover! The only "bad" part was that since my dad is Coast Guard, none of the other kids knew what it was! They all knew about the Army and Air Force, but there's not much coast to guard in Colorado! (He was finishing his medical training with the Army, which is how we ended up there! Go Evans!)

Only five since first grade? First grade was in Texas for me... so eight since then? *is slightly annoyed*

The shortest chnage-of-assignment move we've ever done was Texas to Colorado, only took three days :) (however, it was far from "simple"... my dad accidentally got his big toenail ripped off, and we had to drive through a blizzard in Taos, New Mexico...)


sparkly_sparky July 26 2009, 20:16:08 UTC
Lol wow. don't worry, i believe you ;)

Yeah Colorado Springs was defintaley pretty :) I remember going across to teh track and grassy field across from where we lived to learn how to ride our bikes.

Yup only five. *hugs*

Yikes nail ripped off?? Creepy. my sister ha dthat happen once but we were young so i dont remember it. A blizzard in NM?


vita_candeo July 26 2009, 21:34:30 UTC
Yes, an blizzard in NM. In Late April even! It was in the mountains, but still... we actually barley got through the pass! They only opened it up for the school bus and we slipped through right then too!


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