
Jul 04, 2009 19:00

So, while I've been training Lily to do the Spanish walk, I've gained some injuries to my arms. I am teaching her by shaping the behavior off of "give paw." Thus, she's trying to put her paw in my hand while she walks along my side. Well, she can be enthusiastic with the attempt to shake my hand. Since she's got the basics down now, we're working on lifting her paws up without touching my hand; that part is slow going!

Anyways, the insides of both of my forearms are all scratched up. What's worse, the pinky-side of my wrist has been hit numerous with her dewclaw. She's not broken the skin, but she damaged one of the arteries. She did is last night, and then again tonight in the same spot. So I have their huge contusion on my wrist that's really ugly and swollen, but it doesn't hurt too much.

Anyways, now my wrist is wrapped tightly (not cutting off the circulation) in an ace bandage. The wrap will "push" the blood into getting absorbed by the surrounding tissues.

It's wicked annoying though, I can't bend my wrist!!! At least I can use all ten of my fingers... which, trust me, is something I've not been able to say many time! I've dislocated three different fingers before (all at different times) which means that finger and it's neighbors are all wrapped together. That makes typing a challenge!

I can deal with the wrist thing!!!

dogs, health, training, rl

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