Safe and sound!

Jun 20, 2009 16:43

I've finished English comp II! I think I'll have an A in it as well!

I finished Relay for Life!

23 hours (I was there for longer than that... plus it didn't start until afternoon so I'd been awake for a while before it started.)

I managed maybe one hour of sleep, more like 40 minutes...

I personally walked 18.25 miles! That's 73 laps!!! I did it all sorts of hours, including 2 am... that sucked!

We won the Team Spirit award! Mainly because we didn't stop say "Arrrrg!" from the getgo... we were the "Pirates for Life" :) Seriously, my throat hurts from all the "Arrrg!"ing... and the other teams would encourage us to do it, so of course we did! Everyone loved the bandannas I made (and that my sister helped with)

I'm kinda tired... I should be much more tired but I've hit that point where you stop being tired because you're so tired...

Also, I ate waaaaay too much junk food! Of course, I burned off all the calories, but still!

exercise, random, relay, rl, school

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