Vehicles new and cool

Jun 16, 2009 20:14

First, the new:

Since our Mitsubishi Expo died, we had to get a new car. Plus, my sister and I are learning to drive and well, we needed something to drive! (Mom won't let us near the driver's side of her precious Mini Copper S, and I don't blame her!) So, that's our new car!

It's a Mazda Mazda5.... seriously, you say "Mazda" twice! I've decied to name it (it's a requirement to name one's first car!) and it's name is the "Bond-Mobile"! You know, "Bond, James Bond." That's all I can think of when I say/hear "Mazda, Mazda5" *lol* So, unless Amelia (we're sharing it) highly disagrees, the car is named Bond-Mobile! And I love her/him (haven't decided :P) Oh, and I'm SOOOOO totally adding bumper stickers! Well, my college at least!

And the cool:

See, I tooooold you! That's proff that they take military tactical vehicles to the commissary (grocery store) on base! Sorry it's a blurry picture, I took it on my phone (I'm a camera sniper... ok, probably shouldn't say that on the base...)

There, it's easier to see it in that picture. That's one of the cooler trucks they have here. We're swamped with them right now since a bunch of troops are about to get shipped out. It's sad that they have to leave their families, but it means that the people over there now can rotate out and come home, which is a good thing :)

In addition to the ground vehicles, there's a bunch of stuff in the air too! Loads of Blackhawk helicopters, cargo (C-class) planes, some fighters (mostly F-15s) etc.

Who needs peace and quiet? At least there's no airshow this summer! (The USAF Thunderbirds practiced here for TWO WEEKS before the show... for about 4-6 hours a day (or so it seemed) less than 1/4 mile over house... and they're L-O-U-D!!! And they we're the only loud thing that decided to practice over housing!) I'm SOOOOOOO glad for that fact!

cool, random, home, cape cod, pic!spam, rl, military

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