I'm feeling better this morning, thanks :) And apart from that, life is going well, busy, but well :)
As for the blood thing. I'm basing this upon what my dad has told me from various medevacs he has done with the Coast Guard. It really varies from person to person. Some people can't handle losing the amount of blood from donation. Others can get pretty low and be conscious.
For example, he had a man die on him in the helicopter. The man had a massive ulcers in his stomach and had lost too much blood (all internally, though he had vomited a lot of it back up.) My dad, who had never before done a blood transfusion (he knew how, he just hadn't been in a situation where he needed to use it,) started one. He squeezed it in, an entire bag in about 3 minutes (which is insane!) The guy came back to life with some CPR (maybe shocked?) The guy was conscious in about 10 minutes (and another bag of blood.)
On the other hand, he had someone who had lost the equivalent of about 2 bags of blood and was unconscious.
It depends on the other injuries, their state of health before the loss of blood, if they get more blood, if that person is prone to unconsciousness or not, and more...
Sorry it couldn't be a simple answer! If you give me the exact circumstance the character is in, I should be able to give you a better answer :)
As for the blood thing. I'm basing this upon what my dad has told me from various medevacs he has done with the Coast Guard. It really varies from person to person. Some people can't handle losing the amount of blood from donation. Others can get pretty low and be conscious.
For example, he had a man die on him in the helicopter. The man had a massive ulcers in his stomach and had lost too much blood (all internally, though he had vomited a lot of it back up.) My dad, who had never before done a blood transfusion (he knew how, he just hadn't been in a situation where he needed to use it,) started one. He squeezed it in, an entire bag in about 3 minutes (which is insane!) The guy came back to life with some CPR (maybe shocked?) The guy was conscious in about 10 minutes (and another bag of blood.)
On the other hand, he had someone who had lost the equivalent of about 2 bags of blood and was unconscious.
It depends on the other injuries, their state of health before the loss of blood, if they get more blood, if that person is prone to unconsciousness or not, and more...
Sorry it couldn't be a simple answer! If you give me the exact circumstance the character is in, I should be able to give you a better answer :)
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