
Dec 06, 2008 14:05

Back when I first started using the internet, other then my mom opening a site with a game for me, my username was AKRoverKid. I lived in (and was born in) Alaska (who's abbreviation is AK) I loved to go off roading my my dad's Range Rover (Rovering,) and I was a kid.

Later, once we had our first dog, my username changed to Amber1dog, since she was the best dog ever (and still is!)

When I began to love Stargate, it became stargate_sg1_luver, and later became stargate_geek as that was shorter and more general (I discovered how awesome Atlantis was!) Occasionally sggeek when underscores weren't allowed of a short version was needed.

On LJ, it's vita_candeo (duh!) which means Life Glow in Latin. I thought it was pretty, and it wasn't taken!

On I've been using Kodiak's Sweet Breath. I have absolutely NO IDEA how I came up with that name!!! Seriously, no clue! I've lived in Kodiak, and loved it there, so that's where that came from... no idea about the other part... yeah, it's weird...

But the problem with that name it that, as fanfic readers know, there's a BRILLIANT author by the name of Kodiak Bear Country. She's often called "Kodiak" which is awkward with my name. I didn't know about her when I came up with my name, but I quickly found out. However, I couldn't come up with anything good.

NOW I HAVE! (Years later...)

Amaq Iraluq (or amaq_iraluq if a site won't allow spaces)

Both words are Alutiiq (uh-LOU-tick) which is a langaue from southwest Alaska, more specifically, these words are form the Kodiak area dialect.

The first word means "Amber" which is the name of my fist dog whom I love. She is such a good girl and has gone through so much. She's such a good friend and has always been there for me.

The second word means "moon." I have some really good memories of family moments at night, out under the starts and moon. Also, there wicked cool time we were in the car and we come over this rise and it was the biggest harvest moon ever (that I've seen at least.) It seemed to take up the whole sky, and was a deep, russet orange. An Amber color.

So my new name is Amaq Iraluq, or Amber Moon :)
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