
Nov 15, 2008 13:59

So, I'm making a quilt for one baby girl (one of the parents gives me a ride to English class every week.) She was born almost a week ago, I need to finish that quilt! (just have to put the binding on it, or the "edge")

My physics lab partner is also pregnant! She's having a little girl too (yea!) I've picked up crocheting recently, so I made a hat. Orginally it as going to be a hat for me, but I made it waaaay too small, so it's for a baby. Also, I learned how to make flowers and put one of them on there :) I think it's wicked cute ^^

So the_muppet what do you think of one like that? Or I could do it a totally different way. Do you like flowers? or should I stripe it or something? Beanie type hat, or a bucket hat, or a braet? I want you to like it, so, help!

(The top of the hat doesn't really cave it like that, it just looks weird in the picture!)

present, crochet, craft, school

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