
Oct 11, 2008 21:24

Less than 00.1%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes, I've looked for the MIA puzzle piece: it's gone. No idea where it could be. I've worked on this puzzle three times (hence why it's on a movable surface.) First time was like, 4 months ago. Then it sat untouched for a long time, broke it out again this week and finished put more of it together it. Man, this sucks. 999 pieces put together the right way... way too much time wasted on it! Grr!

Alright, well, maybe it will show up... who knows... right now I kinda hate the thing *glares* Should I leave it whole, or tear it up?

Oh, we're getting family pictures taken at the beach tomorrow; we're bring the dogs with us too since they're part of the family. Hopefully, they'll be some good pictures of me. I'm hyper aware of cameras and do NOT take good non-candid shots... you have to catch me off guard... or get me to laugh... and click right as I start to laugh... yeah... we can hope for the best, right?

Alright, well, I'm going to bed. I'm tired. We didn't get home from pick my sister up until past 2300. Oh, but I'm finally getting over my cold! I went for a run today, only about 1/3 of a mile total running, and broken up, but hey, that's something right?

*wave goodnight and grumbles/groans offline*

Oh, and *points* new icons :) Here's the new ones (all made by casett):

For some reason, I like icons with words... and then matching them to posts ^^

Alright... really going to bed now...

sister, pictures, sad, icons, family, puzzle, rl

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