Holy shit!

Sep 25, 2008 12:42

My mom and I were at the gate and the guard was checking her ID. Then comes the sound of a chopper, not in the distance, but really loud, which is common place here. What startled me was There was one a bit off in the distance (maybe a mile or so) and I was thinking 'That one can't be that loud.' I told that to my mom, and she agreed.

She said "It isn't that one that's loud, it's thank one." and pointed to our right (my side of the car) and sure enough, there one was, about two feet over the trees to our direct right. They were less than 40 feet from the car! That startled me since it seemed to come out of no where *lol* Life on a base, eh?

On another note: my dad turns 40 tomorrow. So my mom and I are secretly making carrot cake cupcakes to take into his work tomorrow. Since he'll smell them when he gets home, were also making his "regular" cake at the same time, and give it to him, since we'll be "busy tomorrow and unable to make it then so we thought we would make it now" :D

life, black hawks, military

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