Feb 04, 2005 22:43
I have been so incredibly busy that I haven't even had the time to update on my life. It is currently 10:45pm on Friday night and I am sitting here waiting to be picked up to go out on the town, so I will probably be interrupted. Until then...
The past few weeks have been crazy for me. I will start simple and then progress.
First, school is quite hectic. Although it isn't hard, I am going crazy with all of the reading. Classes are interesting, though and I am really enjoying my professors.
This semester I am also facilitating/teaching a DeCal. For you non-Cal kids, decals are classes taught by students. It is crazy because I actually have to make lesson plans, grade papers, hold office hours and all of that crazy junk. nevertheless, I am enjoying myself...yippee.
Sorority is awesome!! I love all the girls, besides the drama that permeates through the house. The sorority provides a social scene that is absolutely nuts. I can't go anywhere without seeing at least 4 or 5 people I know. I love it!! The only downer, is recruitment. I feel that the selection process compromises my ethics and all I stand for. Luckily, it only lasts one week a semester.
Lastly, and most importantly, there is the boyfriend. Things have progressed so quickly and nicely, I might add. He is an incredible sweetheart, and I really feel like we are opening up to each other and blossoming into something spectacular. I hate not being able to see him!!! We talk throughout the day and the sound of his voice makes me so happy, but I wish I could hold his hand and hug him whenever I wanted without having to drive an hour. :-( I feel like my social scene doesn't really provide a great atmosphere to foster a relationship. I constantly feel tempted, yet I hold strong.
Sorority sister is outside...I will try and update more.
P.S. I love...Matt.
(It feels good to be able to finish that sentence ;-)