An open letter to undisclosed recipients

Aug 28, 2023 13:22

/ Заключительная часть введения в теорию психологии войны 2022-02. /
[ An undisclosed personal part ]
Sorry for taking your time. I have some important information, but I do not have good news. A year ago, on May 11th, 2022, I wrote in my notes that the American misunderstanding of Russia's fundamental motivations is dangerous, and it will lead the world toward irreparable errors. I do not believe this text can change anything. I simply hand over some information, and this action frees me from my internal moral obligations.
The Russian unconventional psychology behind the war in Ukraine, which I will refer to as the ZZ-war - the Double-Zombie-War - is complicated. The ZZ-war has yielded some non-trivial insights applicable to social engineering, a professional interest of mine. I have spent several months gathering information to understand the psychological phenomena behind this war. Some results are presented to a small group of Russian-speaking people in my blog which I use as a research journal. (, Russian)
An in-depth explanation for those who are alien to Russian culture would be a thick book project, and I lack time for it. However, there is an obvious yet overlooked fact that reveals the main reasons for the immoral, illogical, and devastating character of the ZZ-war: The ZZ-war is not rational, it is scientific.
Note, this is not a tricky conclusion derived from some insane conspiracy theories. This information is available to anybody. There are a lot of books and articles written by Russian scientists that disclose the science behind the ZZ-war. Their lectures can be watched even on American YouTube.
Of course, this science is hard to understand. It uses strange meanings for obvious words. For instance, people outside Russia do not comprehend why Ukraine is called an aggressor and why the Jew Zelensky was labeled a "Nazi president".
However, Russian scientists do not do anything unusual; they only follow the American lead. For instance, the WHO recently changed the definitions of such words as "pandemic" and "vaccine" to something that was not a pandemic or vaccine before COVID-19. The reasons for these changes are also hard to understand.
There is another reason for misunderstanding. You may think that true science attempts to connect all dots to draw a consistent image of reality that explains or predicts all discovered facts. If it cannot comprehend some real-world facts, it agrees that it itself lacks some critically important knowledge. Such science was present in the 20th century, but it is nowadays perceived as defective.
The modern American-style science is effective: its goal is to create an impressive image only over the dots that pass into this image. This approach allows American-style scientists to make bold predictions that secure future funding. They do not concern themselves with the dots which they cannot connect. If the modern science cannot comprehend some real-world facts, it applies administrative measures to suppress any information about these facts.
We can agree that the ZZ-war is based on science if we accept the modern meaning of the word "science".
I am not a philosopher, and this is not an offer to start a theoretical discussion. I am an engineer who is simply describing obvious practical facts easily obtainable through proper information gathering methods. Of course, I am a bit better at my analysis than the American CIA, which had the absurd idea that the Russian Federation really has an army able to seize Ukraine in two weeks. I wrote on day two that Russia had obviously lost already, since the ZZ-war was planned in a fictional, scientifically-based world against unreal enemies. (, Russian)
The CIA analysts are brilliant, but they have ignored the points that did not fit in their scientifically-approved image of Russia. I have simply assumed that the Russians do not try to deceive anybody; they only try to explain what they really think.
Note, I do not call Mr. Putin a good man, a democrat, or a wise politician. He is bad, but his personal psychological traits are unimportant. It would be erroneous to portray him as a Hollywood-style dictator who invaded a foreign country solely because he is mad and evil. All his political decisions were prepared by Russian bureaucrats and Russian scientists.
If you want to understand Mr. Putin, you must consider him an American-style president who is concerned with scientific predictions, who sincerely believes in science, and who was forced to make unavoidable decisions that follow the best recommendations of the greatest scientists.
Of course, the science behind these decisions is not the American science. It is the Russian science. I will refer them to as the A-science and the R-science.
You may think the R-science is not scientific, but it is as scientific as human-made Global Warming, WHO programs to combat infectious diseases, worldwide administrative initiatives to repair ozone depletion, and many other American attempts to lead humanity into a scientifically approved future.
You can find unmistakable similarities if you compare the A-science and the R-science by ignoring their ideas and taking into account only their scientific methods.
The American-style science removes unscientific facts from reality through administrative measures. All evidence against scientifically approved methods to fight COVID-19 (face masks, vaccines, lockdowns, prohibitions of Trump's hydroxychloroquine and cat's ivermectin, etc.) was rigorously censored on American-controlled media platforms like Twitter and Facebook because the A-science has declared that such information can harm public safety and state interests. The Russian state repeats these security measures by censoring all information concerning war crimes and war losses in Ukraine because the R-science has declared that such information can harm public safety and state interests.
Americans say that Russian courts destroy political opponents. From the Russian point of view, they just punish those who spread dangerous lies. The future catastrophe caused by criminal inaction is as real for the R-science, as the consequences of the human-made Climate Change are real and terrifying from the point of view of the A-science. It is obvious that the Russian government tries to save Russian citizens and silences people who try to deny this unavoidable, scientifically approved mission.
The current R-science is based on Marxist theory of historical forces. It has abandoned some insignificant parts of the Marxist philosophy - such as the theory of classes -, but the overall structure remains. The role of classes was replaced by the role of cultures, Lenin was replaced by Dostoevsky, the future communist world was replaced by the Christian heaven, yet greedy American capitalists still remain as the source of all the world's disasters.
Likewise, the A-science has adopted the greenhouse theory created in the 18th century as the primary driver of the disastrous climate change. The modern climatology has removed from scientific consideration many insignificant parts of the old-style 20th century climatology. (For instance, the spacepox
Many ideas that may seem illogical when judged by common sense are entirely valid if we consider them as science. Therefore, the US must study the R-science to understand Russian politics.
For instance, the division of the Soviet Union is considered in modern Russia to be the greatest historical catastrophe of the 20th century. According to the R-science, this splintering was an unnatural process forced by aggressive external capitalist forces (Soros, the US government, the British monarchy, etc.). Consequently, the R-science proves on this scientific basis that it is necessary to reverse this disintegration.
It is unproductive to tell Russians that they are insane. The R-science has its own ideas, but it copies the ways of thinking typical for the A-science, which considers the carbon-based industrialization to be the greatest climate catastrophe of the 21st century. According to the A-science, this human-made unnatural process was performed by aggressive capitalistic forces and must be reversed.
Americans do not believe the Russian scientific point of view is real. They have said many times that Russians are simply lying. Yet their attitude toward the R-science mirrors climate change deniers' claim that the A-science is a fraud.
Fortunately, the A-science (which is supported by Soros, the US government, the British monarchy, etc.) has won over the world through money and persuasion. Even Germany - that was twice conquered by military force in the 20th century - willingly performs now the green deindustrialization because of scientific, economic, and political reasons.
As you may know, Mr. Putin has tried for many years to apply scientific, economic, and political measures to correct Ukraine. He had said that he was forced into a military operation because this was the last remaining option.
We have no reason to believe his words were dishonest from his point of view.
The West and the Ukrainian government have ignored the scientific works of Russian scientists and even Putin's scientific explanations about his historic rights and obligations. What would happen if some foreign country were to ridicule the Green New Deal as unscientific rubbish, deny Global Warming, call A-science idiocy, and act in ways leading to scientifically proven global problems that dangerously impact American lives and future generations of Americans?
Russian politicians receive highly insulting responses to their scientific warnings and explanations. The R-science is as important to the Russian government as the A-science is to the US government. It takes precedence over personal feelings and common sense. The unavoidable health damage to some insignificant people and inevitable economic harm to some greedy insignificant capitalists can be disregarded relative to the greater goals. The US has demonstrated this many times, and they try to propagate this scientific mindset towards the whole world.
They have succeeded in Russia yet in the Russian way. The same mindset - but based on the R-science - drives the ZZ-war.
There is another issue critically important for the future developments of the ZZ-war. Assuming the R-science does really exist and plays a crucial role in defining Russian politics, we can deduce that the US is now unable to pull out of this conflict. They happen to declare an existential war on Russia. Of course, it was a war declaration only in R-science's terms, and nobody from NATO's side had noticed this critical event in the spring of 2022, but the Russians perceived it in their own specific way. And now this war just cannot be stopped. Russia may lose, but it is unable to surrender, or even to stop the offensive. Mr. Putin, the Russian government, and a significant part of the populace stand ready and willing to commit even politically and economically suicidal actions.
If you have questions, I can provide further information. However, I see no possibility left to resolve this crisis. It is too late for the US to do anything. Negotiations with Mr. Putin are unlikely, since they were suggested by President Trump. Even if attempted, such negotiations would inevitably fail.
It appears that modern US politicians know only two methods for addressing critical problems: they either try to purchase a solution or just throw money into the problem at hand, believing that it will go away if they fund it properly.
The second approach was tried after the Soviet Union's collapse but has proven useless. American money provided to keep the Russian Federation alive has created Mr. Putin who now leads the hybrid war against the US. American money provided to keep the Soviet science alive has created the very same R-science that now guides Mr. Putin in his hybrid war against the US. American money was also invested in the Russian industry, which now produces modern weapons.
The first approach to spend money is more sophisticated, but it is based on the bold assumption that all people share American values, all people love American money, and thus all people can be persuaded to do something good for the US if they get a lot of American money in return.
Unfortunately, these assumptions do not work with Russia. The Russians sincerely and scientifically believe that American values are wrong, American money is dirty, and Americans are deceitful liars who do not hold on to their promises. While the US may buy some Russian politicians, the R-science will never be sold.
PS: Доклад академика С. Ю. Глазьева в Российской Академии Наук "О внешних и внутренних угрозах экономической безопасности России в условиях американской агрессии", РАН, Russian, video, 2014-10-29
[ Project: War_202202_NsF_Psy RU DW ]: Черновик краткого учебника новейшей истории / / 2022-03-19 (Список основных постов на тему разбора психологии войны 2022-02)

economics, law, motivation, russia, crisis, en, psychology, usa

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