taking requests: fic banners

Mar 09, 2012 15:01

Hi everyone! I don't know if anyone is still keeping up with this journal, but I thought I would write in and let you know that I'm still alive and well and things. If you follow me at radio_silent you'll know I've been writing some Sherlock fanfic and ranting about tumblr (where I have been pretty active lately).

Anyway, I just made a tumblr post offering to make people fic banners, if anyone is interested. I thought I would extend the courtesy here as well.

I'd prefer if the fics were written for a fandom I follow (Sherlock or Doctor Who, especially!) but if you're willing to help me find source images I'm pretty flexible.

P.S. In case anyone is wondering about icons, I am still making them! Just super, super slowly. I'm waiting until I have enough to make a decent-sized post.

-banners, -requests

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