Ah the busy life...so many things happening and so little time to concentrate on them all.
Christmas shopping has always been a delicate practice for me. In the past few days, I'm still searching high and low for the perfect gift ideas, and there's always conflicting points of interest to get me settled on one thing alone. With little time on my hands, I do hope I can wrap things up already and cross out names on my list. There's so much stuff to choose from... and so many tempting new items I'd like to buy! Happy Holidays indeed.^^
Next to the shopping, a lot of nifty things and events have been happening all around. Maybe it's the holiday rush or the fact that people are preparing for the new year... who knows? There's just so much to look forward to... and then some things like this that just had to come out before the end of the year.^^
Finally, finally, FINALLY... I own a piece of movie/ comic book/ pop culture history. The much anticipated home video release of The Dark Knight has hit local store shelves, and after almost 5 months of waiting and clamoring, I finally have at the palm of my hand. After riding my morning schedule away, I rushed to the nearest Astrovision store I could find to grab my copy. Sure enough, the DVD and VCD releases were sitting on display in front of the store... and as they say, the rest is history.:D Couldn't wait to test this baby out and share my thoughts on it, so here goes nothing.
Packaged as a Two-Disc Special Edition Set, the Standard DVD release of The Dark Knight is definitely for collectors who enjoyed Christopher Nolan's epic sequel to his reboot of the Batman Franchise. Of course, we all know that everything positive has been said about the film, so if you really need to know the nitty and gritty, refer to my review of the film
here... it's a long write-up I never thought I'd pour myself into.:D Now, let's move on to the DVD release... is it worth your hard earned cash? Let's see if it's all part of the plan.XD
The first disc is, well, The movie! TDK remastered and delivered in all it's sweet glory in one Digital Video Disc thanks to the power of technology. Of course, it would be picture perfect if you could see this thing in a nice High Definition Flat Screen TV if you do own one. Otherwise, it does an ok job in Standard Definition as well. It's a pity though that unlike the Blu-Ray release, none of the IMAX sequences were incorporated into the DVD, so all you'll get is the regular widescreen presentation. Still, it's not a bad deal at all considering the clarity and amusement you'll get watching the film from start to finish. The subtitles do an ok job too, with all the captions timed perfectly with every dialogue and sound effect made throughout the entire movie. So far that's all there is to it, but that's just disc one folks.
The second disc of the set is the where the real meat of the package is, offering up a nice selection of goodies, treats, and extras that the die hard TDK fan will enjoy. As always, it's always the special features that gets us intrigued enough to purchase home video releases, and you'll get a lot of that and then some with The Dark Knight DVD. Christopher Nolan and his crew have taken great care in explaining much of the film making process, including shooting many of the film's intense action sequences in IMAX format. Nolan's use of IMAX in the film has been praised since it's the first of its kind to be utilized effectively in a blockbuster film like TDK. In addition to filming, the filmmakers also explore the creative process behind the movie, from set design to the creation of the Bat Pod. We also learn more about the talents behind the masks, especially that of the late Heath Ledger, who gave us the explosive performance of a lifetime as Batman's iconic nemesis, The Joker.
The extras don't end there. Those who remember the extensive viral marketing campaign back before the film's release will be happy to know that all the webisodes of "Gotham Tonight" are available, with inside looks, scoops, and interviews featuring the prestigious denizens of Gotham City. Production art and stills can also be viewed in the gallery section, along with a set of all the trailers and tv spots used to market TDK. If these extras just don't take your fancy, I don't know what will... it certainly looks juicy enough to own!
Final verdict? The Dark Knight is a must own for anyone who enjoys action, drama, and the theatrics of a man dressed as a Bat. The package may look like any regular DVD release, but it's a whole lot more than that, especially for fans of The Batman like myself. Those who missed out there chance to see possibly the best movie of 2008 finally have their chance to bring it home and see it for themselves... or wait for the rerelaese of the movie in theaters and IMAX on January next year after Oscar nominations. There's even different packages available for the collector in you - one featuring a Batmask and another with a small replica of Batman's new ride - The Bat Pod! Like the header on back of the DVD says - "Prepared To Be Wowed"... it still is that brilliant... ABSOLUTELY B-R-I-L-L-I-A-N-T. Need more proof? Check the cool widget below.^^
At last... I finally got the chance to see this film.
As a fan of the Resident Evil/ Bio Hazard series, this has been on my "must see list" for the longest time. In addition to it being the first "official movie" that is part of the main game series, Resident Evil Degeneration is a continuation of the RE timeline, set 7 years after the events of the Raccoon City disaster and reuniting the two protagonists of Resident Evil 2 - Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield. Come to think of it, the entire film IS a reunion tour for these two. How is that so? I'll get to that in detail after a brief introduction of the movie.
Seven years after the destruction of Raccoon City, Claire Redfield is now a member of Terrasave, an organization dedicated to stopping viral attacks. Landing in Harvardville Airport to meet a friend, she soon becomes mixed up in an incident where the T-Virus breaks out, infecting dozens of people inside the facility and forcing her and other survivors to hide. A Special Response Team is soon organized, with the government soon sending an expert in such cases to take charge of the situation, namely Leon S. Kennedy. Successfully entering and rescuing the survivors, Leon and Claire reunite, only to find that things did not simply happen because of a terrorist attack. As they fight their way to uncover answers, they must contend with familiar enemies and use all their experiences from their past to survive the dangers that lay before them.
This movie had me feeling not truly satisfied with the end result. After all those months of anticipating, this wasn't exactly the CGI Resident Evil movie I had in mind. Though I enjoy seeing Leon and Claire back together again and kicking viral creature butt, it felt all too confusing and awkward at the same time plot wise. Given, Resident Evil is and will always delve into B-Movie inspired plots, but they didn't have to go that far and explore more unnecessary crazy storylines. The sheer nostalgia of seeing familiar characters and their chemistry together is what carries this movie. Leon looks like a serious grown veteran now, while Claire feels like she hasn't changed one bit... apart from the clothes. One scene in particular is a DeJa Vu scene from RE2, which will excite fans like it did me. As for the story... it just falls short of expectations. How it ties to the rest of the series, especially Resident Evil 2, isn't exactly the film's strong point. It delivers a new plot that sees the central characters deal with another viral outbreak and conspiracy that threatens to turn biological warfare into a lucrative business... and of course you have the consequences that follow because of the tyranny involved. Since I'm not playing this adventure, it just feels like an extensive cutscene... a really long one that just won't end and will never give me the chance to feel the action and blast some zombie heads away.
Even with some disappointments, Resident Evil Degeneration is still a decent action flick that will keep you entertained. There's a lot of professional voice acting and CGI work done here by Sony and Capcom, and those redeemable qualities are enough to make it worthy enough to see things straight to the end. Like Final Fantasy VII, this can be viewed as the Advent Children of the series... a sequel to a sequel exploring what happens to favorite characters from a gaming series. Nothing exceptional to be found here, but it certainly tides things over until RE5 makes its debut next year. Rating - 3/5
My thoughts on Twilight? I don't like it... not one bit, and not enough to review it properly apparently.
After being dragged into the film by friends last Friday and forced to endure two hours and a minute of cheesy dialogue and teenage romantic angst, I finally realize why I REALLY WANTED to stay away from the film... I don't have the heart or soul to give a decent review for this movie simply because I find nothing decent about it at all. It changes every existing fact and insight I've learned about vampires through the years and turns it into something... glamorous. I mean... I know vampires are immortal, but did they have to go that far to show their "inner beauty"? And the romance between a Vampire and a Human being isn't a new thing at all... Bram Stoker's Dracula certainly proved that.
I will say this... the movie has its merits in delivering a decent action teen flick and giving a fresh take on romantic horror that young viewers and teenagers will appreciate, but older audiences like myself who grew up with established names and trademarks will definitely raise an eyebrow on this. They call this movie the new "Harry Potter", and the craze has swept the nation like wildfire again. I personally did not find it entertaining and found myself shaking my head in utter disbelief at the oh so many cheesy dialogue scenes running rampant throughout the film. If you are a die hard horror film fan, do yourself a favor and don't see this film if you have a choice. I regret mine to see this film already... Rating - 1/5