Cheki Photos
チェキ are small poloroids of band members. I bought too much in the last 2 years so I'm consolidating my stuff to what I really want and selling the extras below. All of these cheki are originals I bought at lives myself, and the signatures and comments are real. If you're interested in buying, please be sure to specify which one! Click the pictures to view slightly larger versions.
(1) BORN Kifumi $10 (2) BORN Tomo $4 (3) アンド-AND- Ken $8 (4) アンド-AND- KAJI $8
(5) OZ Zukki signed $10 (6) OZ Nao signed $10 (7) Gakido Rito $6 (8) Gakido Kahiro 1 $3 (9) Kahiro 2 $3
(10) AYABIE Kenzo $3 (11) AYABIE Intetsu $3 (12) amber gris Temari signed $3 (13) amber gris wayne $3
L-->R (14) Lycaon Hiyuu (yukata) $10 / (15) BAELSCOPE 5 members $10
4 Blu-BiLLioN Cheki: Top L->R:(16) mag1 $8 (17) mag2 signed $6 / Bottom L-->R: (18) mag & teru $10 (19) Seika signed $8