A walk past the cafe...

Jun 06, 2011 22:53

He approached the cafe slowly, pausing and leaning against a tree near the outdoor tables.  He could see their table from there.  Empty.

He came every week, regardless.  Their last encounter brief at best had brightened his spirits so that here he was again, only a day earlier than their usual meeting.  He knew she wouldn't be there, yet he couldn't resist, just in case... he knew where she would be.  He continued on, and paused briefly at the shoppe window watching her with a customer as she talked.

She tilted her head just slightly, listening avidly to the questions put to her. Her smile was genuine upon her red lips.  Her eyes lit as if her customer were the only person in the room with her.  She pointed out something on the computer notebook screen in front of her, and hesitated as if she felt his gaze.

He turned and walked away, not wanting to be caught watching.  But how he missed her. 

the cafe

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