Promo & latest arrivals XDD

Nov 12, 2008 13:24


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Okay, these are the latest arrivals on CDs or presents by my dear friends (izapi  , ioniya and sugarplumrock ) <3

DBSK Bigeast Japanese Fan magazine Vol. 3 (got from ioniya )! <33 
(ignore the bad picture quality, my cam is not that good)

DBSK fan, DBSK mouse pads & mobile key chains! <3 (present by izapi ) <333

Glay Fan magazine <33

Golf & Mike Photobook <3333333 *drool* & magazines! X3

DBSK "Five in the Black" (CD + DVD) album, DBSK "Mirotic" album (Version A + B), Golf & Mike "Rin" Japanese album, John-Hoon (Kim Jeonghoon) 1st Japantour DVD, "I am a cyborg but that's okay" (korean movie & present by sugarplumrock <3)

....O__o... I forgot to upload the other pictures. =__= Okay, more to follow. XDD

(Mind you, if this post will be finished, some of the things I already got at the end of August's not like I purchased things these days like crazy. XDD)

john-hoon, golf & mike, glay, dbsk

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