Kicking my butt into gear, literally

Sep 27, 2011 08:54

I feel jazzed.
Come November, I will have completed the last class in the Archives and Records Management program at the local college.  It'll be nice to have that completed on my resume, and to free up another night of the week.  As a reward to myself, I will use that spare night and sign up for a class.  Not to feed my brain, this time, but to exercise my body.  I've got a few options rolling around in my mind, but it will come down to cost and locale.  I'd like to do either judo, or kickboxing (not cardio aerobic classes, the real thing), or Mixed Martial Arts.  
Yeah, I might be biting off more than I can chew.  I got in a discussion with a friend about this yesterday and she pointed out that while I may be an uncoordinated creampuff now, taking any of those things will surely change that!  I love yoga, I love how it feels and how energizing it is, but I need something that's really going to kick my butt (literally and figuratively) nito shape.  
So, I'm in research mode.  What does the City of Ottawa offer?  What do local clubs offer?  What equipment will I need?  How much will classes cost, and how often, and where?  And what should I do to prepare, so I walk out of my first class having enjoyed myself and wanting more?
THinking about doing this has me energized, and I know it's going to be a great experience.  For now, I'm seeing what I can find online, and will pick the brains of people who have done the same.  
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