YES. Last night I had the telly on while I made dinner, and 'The One with the Donor' Friends episode came on (in which no one wants Joey's sperm bank contribution), and after that was the Zoo episode in which Itan the siamang has his gallstones removed (six little ball bearings rattling in a specimen jar, poor baby boy). Then I opened up gdocs to tinker with an Angel/Bradley urophilia fic, but it's like that Chuck macro says (the one where he's wearing his Dawson Leery sadface): WRITING IS HARD. Writing was so hard I found the strength to hide my laptop under the bed where I couldn't see it and turn on the telly instead, and finally FINALLY I pushed past the wild west episode I got stalled on, like, three weeks ago...and I finished season 6 of Supernatural. YES. I'm actually up to date, after giving the series the flick at the start of season 3 however many years ago. This is a good thing, since I accidentally signed up for
spn_j2_xmas (shush,
frivol. But an even better BETTER thing is the resulting dream I had last night, in which Castiel was mesmerised by a specimen jar of Dean's semen and kept muttering (like, repeatedly), "I HAVE TO TOUCH IT." Thank you for that early birthday present, o not-so-subtle subconscious :D