(no subject)

Oct 17, 2010 14:20

As much as I adore my Kindle, I wish it didn't feeze half a dozen times a day. At least my paper books don't require constant reboots when I am just getting to the good bits. Does anyone else have hassles like this? Is the third generation Kindle more reliable?

I think I was way too cranky to appreciate Merlin as I normally would. I mean, yes, it was full of adorable as usual (pillow-chucking shenanigans! medieval dildos! clever clogs!) but The Overwhelming Stupid of the show just made me feel a bit down today for some reason. I don't know about other people but sometimes, when I'm alone, I fart and check my teeth for parsley. And when I'm 60, I hope no one will think it's weird and wrong if I decide I'd like some sex. Eh, grumblepants. Sometimes the pretty's just not enough and even Colin Morgan is outweighed by the plotholes and prejudice.

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