Oct 23, 2008 13:06
So... Where do I begin.
Oh yeah. The Quarter is halfway over, and I have been so involved in AVOIDING my school work, that it is all catching up with me. I failed my Chemistry Exam, Failed my Poli Midterm and am pretty sure I will barely pass my Calc exam today....
And I know my problem. Usually, classwork comes very easy for me. Usually, I get all I need to understand things in my lecture, and don't study. Well the problem is, now My lectures have been shit, and I haven't been studying, so I have the vaguest idea of any of the concepts in any of the class. On top of that, I haven't been meticulous at attending class (because as I said, the lectures have been sucking). So I usually go to my Chem Lab and then go home and procratstinate with housework, or reading my book.
That's another thing. I read through the entire Twiligh Saga in less than a month. 4 pretty huge books (easy reads because they rocked... but still) and now I have nothing to procrastinate with.
I've been working weekends, so I when everyone else is out having a good time, I am (well, honestly having a blast because i work at the Zoo) but i've missed out on social dorky drunk time... because I don't do anything on the weekend that might prevent me from waking up late, and, During the week.. everyone else works in the morning.
So I have to buckle down. This is hard for me. I actually need to admit that I HAVE to study... until i am caught up and then more so to keep me ahead of the game. I think the hardest part for me is deciding exactly what it is that I am having problems with. It's hard for me to define what I don't understand, it's this whole black hole because, In my head, If I knew what I didn't understand, then i would understand it... so it's a canumdrum. however it's spelled, that's what it is.
I want to write. I say this every so often but I really want to. But that takes effort on my part also to sit down and pound out a few chapters....
Why am I so lazy lately!?
Who know's.
Anyway... Off I am to lecture. Then home to eat and study for my exam...
Wish me luck!