Apr 15, 2005 23:01
well my day started off.. alright, and ended bad
went to school..and then during school my breathing problem started again. i didnt think
anything of it. becuase it happends alot. Went home. called my daddy lol and told him.
i was fine for about 1-2hours? and then ,i couldnt catch my breath,felt so light headed.
i couldnt stand up. soo again, i went to the hospital just to make sure i wouldnt die.
haha still dont know whats wrong with me.. but i dont think its anything big.
caylin left for cali the other day. im sure shes having the greatest time. but i miss
her. hmm what else. vacation starts tonite. happy about that. and we r suposed
to get good weather too. tomorro should b interesting. and amanda if u dont call me
we will fight hah .. nite everyone xoxo
- u have no idea