Dec 31, 2011 18:04

Stolen from veritas724 from whom I always steal these year-end memes ;)

Ten Favorite Female Characters of the Year:
1. Lady Mary Crawley - Downton Abbey
2. Morgan Pendragon - Camelot
3. Violet Crawley - Downton Abbey
4. Daenerys Targaryen - Game of Thrones
5. Arya Stark - Game of Thrones
6. Amy Farrah Fowler - The Big Bang Theory
7. Morgana - BBC Merlin
8. Guinevere - BBC Merlin
9. Princess Mithian - BBC Merlin
10. Cersei Lannister - Game of Thrones

Ten Favorite Male characters of the year

1.Jon Snow - Game of Thrones
2.Jim Halpert - The Office
3.Eric Northman - True Blood
4.Matthew Crawley - Downton Abbey
5.Lafayette Reynolds - True Blood
6.Sheldon Cooper - The Big Bang Theory
7.Arthur Pendragon - BBC Merlin
8.Ned Stark - Game of Thrones
9.Robb Stark - Game of Thrones
10.Robert California - The Office [This maybe an unpopular opinion but I think James Spader is a great addition to the cast!]

Ten Favorite Ships of the Year:
1.Mary/Matthew - Downton Abbey
2.Sheldon/Amy - The Big Bang Theory
3.Ned/Catelyn - Game of Thrones
4.Eric/Sookie - True Blood
5.Arthur/Gwen - BBC Merlin
6.Jim/Pam - The Office (like veritas724 I`m old school too ;)
7.Sybil/Branson - Downton Abbey (They really grew up this season didn`t they? lol)
8.Robert/Cora - Downton Abbey (I will go down with this ship! Julian Fellowes better not try and mess with them again!)
9.Daenerys/Khal Drogo
10.Lafayette/Jesus - True Blood :(

Three Favourite TV shows of the Year:
1. Game of Thrones
2. Downton Abbey
3. Merlin

Your favourite book read this year:
A Storm of Swords by George R.R.Martin !!!!

Your favourite album or song to listen to this year:
Album - Ceremonials by Florence and the Machine
Song - well sort of a tie between ' Strangeness and Charm' by Florence + The Machine & 'Iron' by Woodkid. I also love 'Shot in the Dark' by Within Temptation

Your favourite LJ community of the year:
game_thrones for obvious reasons ;) and also gotelite . I`m way too obsessed with the show and I went crazy doing icons ;)

First Fandom of the year:
I was watching s4 of The Big Bang Theory early last year.............

Your best new fandom discovery of the year:
Game of Thrones!

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year:
CAMELOT! Also 'The Office' . (I waited for this show and I knew it wouldn`t be the best but yeah I`m hoping it will pick up)

Your biggest squee moment of the year:

Yep I`m posting more than one! lol

Favourite main character of the year:
Jon Snow !!!!!!!!!! Funny thing is that I hated the character in eps 1 and 2 . I found him too depressing and self-loathing. But once he reached the wall , he convinced me and the rest is history!

Favourite villain of the year:
Morgana (BBC Merlin) and I maybe in minority here but I enjoyed Marnie/Antonia (bascially all the witches) in True Blood this season.
I also love Thomas in Downton ;)

Favourite het couple of the year:
Mary/Matthew - Downton Abbey (Gah they had me reaching for the tissues throughout the season! )

Favourite femslash couple of the year:
Um I`m not a femslash fan but my favourite female friendship is probably Cora and Violet in Downton Abbey! Their scenes together are awesome :)

Favourite slash couple of the year:
Loras/Renly in Game of Thrones ! (Actually I like them more after having read books 1 and 2 ;)

Your fictional boyfriend of the year?:
Jon Snow - my beautiful , innocent and honorable bastard!

Your fictional girlfriend of the year?:
Lady Mary Crawley .

Fandom that you never expected to get into:
Game of Thrones. The story behind this one is interesting. I had just started watching Camelot in April and well that was turning out to be disppointing week after week. People were talking about this 'new show Game of Thrones' which was supposedly going to blow Camelot out of the water. I had no idea what GoT was . Later I learned that Sean Bean was in it and that was the only reason I decided to give it a chance............... Yep you know the rest lol

Fandom that made an unexpected comeback:
Merlin . People were saying that the next season would air in 2012 or something. There was this weird rumor going around at the time. All false in the end and we enjoyed a great season ;)

Fandom that inspired the most crack:
Merlin! Merlin ALWAYS inspires the most crack ;D I don`t do crack but enjoy what's out there ;)

Last fandom of the year:
Downton Abbey - Christmas special :')

Overall favourite fandoms of the year:
Game of Thrones will be at the top all the lists!

Your main fandom of the year:
Game of Thrones. I`ve made more than 5 videos + around 60 tumblr graphics + icons etc .

The most missed of your old fandoms:
This year I got really nostalgic about Prison Break. IDK why.

Predictions for next year:

- Next year has GoT season 2 in April which I`m absolutely psyched about!
- If they air this season of Gossip Girl here on tv then I might catch that.
- I don`t have high expectations for True Blood but I`m excited to see Russell again ;)
- I have this fear that they might consider cancelling 'The Office'
- I might download and watch 'Rome'.
- I`m considering watching 'Parks and Recreation'

random: meme

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