The Sorting Hat

Dec 12, 2011 20:41

the sorting hat.

; r a p u n z e l

Although Rapunzel's bravery is made obvious throughout her adventures, it's her loyalty, hard work and friendship that stand to be her most important traits. All of these are valued above all others in Hufflepuff. Rapunzel stands exceptionally loyal to Pascal, and whilst locked away in her tower, whiles the days away in work. Her genuine spirit and caring nature are perhaps most obvious when she visits the city, and is charming to everyone she meets. Although it takes an immense amount of bravery to take that first step, it's Rapunzel's warm heart and loyal nature that define her the most clearly.

; c a r o l i n e  f o r b e s

At first glance, Caroline seems the perfect Hufflepuff, with her long standing loyalty and her exceptional hard work in any and all planned events. But when you really start to understand Caroline's character, it's her bravery that shines through. Between being preyed on by vampires, and having to deal with the drastic changes in her own life, Caroline shows a strong will and the desire to push on. Nothing stops her, no matter what the obstacle or the odds. She even shows bravery for her friends, when she proves herself by standing with Tyler in all the pain he suffers. Caroline also faces up to her own mother in the course of her story, proving her true bravery by confronting someone she loves so dearly. Caroline shows herself to be a true Gryffindor, in heart and soul.

character: rapunzel, movie: tangled, picspam, character: caroline forbes, landofart, tv show: the vampire diaries

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