The Moody Legacy - 1.4

May 11, 2012 00:14

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WARNING: Strong language, sexual themes, teenage dreams, imaginary drama

Last Time: Naka and Umi were boring with their Imaginary Friends. Naka was especially grumpy as a toddler because that's just the way he rolls. Mac threw a two-day parent-free party after Veronica and Sinbad won a free vacation. There was a lot of pizza and fire and passing out. Flor seemed to tolerate the whole thing. Mac and Mauricio resolved their differences and got together. Together, together. Don't tell their parents, what what. Veronica, Han, Naka, Umi, and Flor all had birthdays. And it's just difficult to convey the hilarity that is The Moodys in a recap, isn't it?

Anyway, that's where I left you.

Veronica: So then Simon and Clary meet a self-loathing privileged blond named Jace and there's a lot of tension between the three of them during this epic plot thing-

Naka: So what you're saying is this isn't Harry Potter?
Veronica: Well-
Naka: I think I'd rather you read me the actual Harry Potter books, Mom.

Naka. He is not here for this, as kittenmittons would say.

Meet our latest addition, Leia, a pug I downloaded from ufailedatlife and renamed for funsies.

Leia: I feel oppressed by these dirty dishes.

Veronica: Dogs, dogs, I love dogs. Bow wow, I'm a dog!

Veronica: ARF ARF! I'm the cutest dog ever!


Veronca: I'm going to join the pound puppies and save vagrant dogs everywhere!

You're going to what now?

Veronica: And Yvette Nicole Brown will be my BFF!


Veronica: GO, DOGS, GO!

You know what? Have fun with that, babe.

Han: New dog?

Han is not sure about new dogs. Leia, Veronica, or otherwise.

Flor: Greetings, world! I am Flor Moody, resident daughter of the Moody legacy. You may be wondering what it takes to get this beautiful. Well, it isn't easy, but I'll tell you.

"I start off the day with an intricate routine. It would be easier if the appliances in the house stopped breaking all the time. That's one of the perils of being part of the first generation."

Flor: MOM! The cheap toilet is overflowing again and it's ruining my zen!

"Next I take a long, luxusious bubble bath so that my hair stays shiny and my skin stays soft. The steam helps keep my voice in shape too."

"Then I give myself plenty of time to adjust my hair and makeup. Like I said, it's a lot of work to look this flawless."

Flor: And then I use the fresh organic ingredients Mother dearest grows to make healthy meals for me and my brothers-

You've never used the kitchen in your life.

Flor: -because in order to be beautiful on the outside, you have to make sure what goes inside isn't always junk food and leftover birthday cake. And I know my dear brothers appreciate my efforts. As we speak, they are eagerly waiting for this breakfast.

Mac: Breakfast at last!

Mac: Is this some kind of joke? I don't get your sense of humor, little fish. How is a tiny thing like you supposed to be my breakfast? I'm a growing teenage boy.
Minnow: !
Mac: *sighs* Well, better you than anything Flor makes me.

Let's buy a fishbowl instead, Mac.

Umi: I seek you, powers that be! Save me from my sister and her so-called nutrition! Or else I will have to take to the trees as Rue did, and live off the bounty of the land.

That's a little harsh.

Umi: You've never seen Flor cook. In fact, I don't think anyone has.

Naka: Wiggley, we need to make a plan. Perhaps if we write a song about how much we don't want to eat Flor's food, it will appeal to her Divaness and soften the blow.

Naka: You're right, Wiggley, that might backfire. She might make us form a band with her. Or worse, a posse. Let's just keep hiding in the bathroom.

Flor: What the crazy is wrong with this oven?! MOM! The oven ruined my nutritious organic meal!

Flor: So hungry...BOYS! BREAKFAST!

I get the feeling that they won't be joining you, Flor.

Naka: Okay, Wiggley, I'll start us off and you come in on the chorus. And a one...and a two-

Naka: What the crazy?!

Naka: Wiggley, you're alive!
Wiggley: You're a genius, Naka.
Naka: Well, there's no need to be so sarcastic. Want to sing a song?
Wiggley: Why do you think I came to life?!

Umi: I may not be a genius, Rex, but I am Perceptive. So you'll be the Watson to my Sherlock for this next mission, okay?

Rex: O-KAY!
Umi: So say the mailbox is Baker street-

Umi: -and I guess Han can be Moriarty. So whenever you see the dog, beware-! Wait, did I hear something?
Rex: And you say you are Perceptive?

Flor: Wow, this amphitheatre is great! Thanks for letting me tag along.
Mac: I didn't exactly let you. You tagged along without asking.

Flor: What's the big deal? So you're meeting someone! I'm not going to get in your way, I don't care.
Mac: It's just...who I'm going to meet. You're not allowed to get all judgey.
Flor: Why would I get judgey?

Mauricio: *oof* Hey, Mac.

Mac: I missed you so much. ♥
Mauricio: What is your sister doing here?
Mac: Don't mind her.
Flor: Oh. So you're dating Mauricio Goode, and our parents would have a total aneurysm if they found out. Whatever. Hey, who's that guy that came with you, Maury?
Mauricio: That's Lu. He's an exchange student from Shang Simla.

Flor: Hello there~! I'm Flor Moody-
Lu: Lu Yuan, nice to meet you-
Flor: -and I'm the most connected teenager in Twinbrook. I'd be happy to show you around! Maybe take you to the next school dance? Our school seems to have a dance once or twice a week, I think one of the teachers has an overly developed sense of nostalgia-

Lu: What?! No thank you-
Flor: But...I'm connected-
Lu: I have a girlfriend. I'm dating Becky Goode.

Ziyi: OMG, Becky! I think that ginger is trying to steal my brother away from you.

Flor: Becky Goode, huh?
Becky: Don't worry, Ziyi. I trust Lu completely. He's probably just being friendly.

Lu: Yes, Becky is like the sweetest girl in the world. But thanks anyway for the offer. And just between the two of us, you come on a little strong.
Flor: I think I'm quite charming, thank you very much.

Ziyi: Be careful, Lu. That girl had a predatory look in her eye.
Lu: She seemed harmless to me.

Flor: You will be mine, Lu Yuan.

Leia and Han enjoy spending time with Veronica in the garden. But it's less about spending time with Veronica and more about that's the only time the sprinklers are on.

They get so excited! And wet.

Sinbad: Flor darling, you are my only relatively normal child, seeing as you don't talk to yourself on a daily basis-
Flor: Daddy, are you saying I'm mediocre?
Sinbad: No-
Flor: Because I am not mediocre.

Sinbad: Right, you're my special little snowflake. Just don't do anything overly peculiar, all right?
Flor: If that would make you happy, Daddykins.
Sinbad: Crackin'. I'll be going to work now.

Sinbad: All right there, son?
Mac: I'm avoiding the buzz of the bees.
Sinbad: Cheerio then. I swear, my sons.

Naka: ♪♫♪♫ the seaweed is always greener / in somebody else's lake ♪♫♪♫

Naka: Someday I'll sing as beautifully as Tituss Burgess and be super famous.

Leia and Han are getting along beautifully.

And there will be pug puppies! Pug! Puppies!

Naka: What the hellfire was that?
Mac: Sounds like the wind is escaping you.

Naka: That was not me and you know it.
Mac: My ears and nose say otherwise.
Naka: I don't have to take this.

Umi: Naka, thank the gods. Dude, did your doll come to life and is it invisible to everyone but you?

Naka: Oh my stars, I thought I was going crazy! Yes, Wiggley came to life, and she is such a Diva. In fact, she reminds me a lot of Flor, except meaner.
Umi: I think your dysfunctional relationship with our sister manifested in the worst way in your imaginary friend.
Naka: That makes sense. Why, what is Rex like?
Umi: He's an idiot.

Rex: Wiggley, I know I can't see you, but I know it's you! You can't clean this bathroom, I was going to do that for Umi!

Wiggley: Fuck off, Rex, I'm doing this for Naka so he finally gives me his undivided attention, like I deserve.

Flor was correct when she said Twinbrook had a lot of school dances. The school immediately decided to throw another one when Flor aged up, which was weird, because the school did the same thing when Mac aged up. She's probably right when she said a teacher has an unhealthy sense of nostalgia. :P

Flor: Okay, you wait right here at the end of the block and I'll go tell Mac you're waiting.
Mauricio: Thanks for being so cool about me and Mac, Flor.
Flor: No big! Because now you owe me a favor.
Mauricio: Huh-?
Flor: Be right back!

Mac: Do I look okay? How do I know if I look okay? How do cats and dogs know? They groom themselves! I shall groom myself as cats do until I am irresistible.

Sinbad: Bonkers. My children are bonkers.

Umi and Naka are relatively normal though! Look at them doing relatively normal kid things!

Umi: I got to go, Naka. Rex has been standing here bugging me for two hours and he's getting hard to ignore.
Naka: That's okay, Umi. I should probably find Wiggley before she goes completely crazy and breaks something.

Prom was relatively event free. Flor was queen, Mac was king, and Mac and Maury bonded even more. Flor won a dance competition or something, but then she was rejected by her crush. Probably because he had a date, Flor.

Flor: This is your fault! If you weren't doing your stupid cray-cray routine on stage with me, Lu wouldn't have laughed at me when I went to flirt with him!

Mac: Aw, Flor, c'mon. Most people think my loose screw is charming.
Flor: Obviously the problem couldn't have been me, so it must have been you. Simple mathematics.

Mac: Right. You're obviously the charming one.
Flor: And don't you forget it.
Mac: I won't.
Flor: And also? Don't get in my way anymore or I will end you.
Mac: Believe me. I won't.

Mac: So was Mickey Mouse here, or...?

The dogs have been bringing home all sorts of metals and rocks and gems, so Veronica has been saving them up and consigning them along with her fruits and veggies. Soon we'll have enough to add a sorely needed second story to the house. If we're going to go on to Generation 2, that is.

Flor: Hey, Hans. Ha, you have the same name as my dog, that's so funny! LOL! Anyway, thanks for bringing me all that punch and stuff at the dance, but I was just using you to make another guy jealous. I hope you understand and we can just be friends-

Hans: Of course I don't understand! What kind of man do you take me for?! That's a terrible thing to do to a person, Flor!

Flor: Gods, sorry. I didn't think it'd be that big a deal.

Hans: *sniff, sniff* You broke my heart, Flor.
Flor: Yes, that's only natural. Don't be sad, Hans, it would never have worked out between us. Besides I think there's a girl out there for you-
Hans: Really? Like who?
Flor: Like...uh...well...Becky Goode has a thing for you.
Hans: Doesn't she have a boyfriend?
Flor: Oh, that's nothing serious, believe me.

Leia: Ta da!

Meet Jacen Moody. I hope you guys appreciate the nerdy reference. Anyway, he's the new pug puppy.

He is so cute, I can't even. ♥

Veronica: I don't even remember why I was mad at you, Mac, so why don't we let bygones be bygones. You're off the hook.

Mac: Wow! Thanks, Mom!
Veronica: Where's your sister?
Mac: She's at the pool with every other teenager in town, and now that I'm not in trouble, that's where I'm going to go! Later, Mom!
Veronica: Be home by curfew!

Flor: Oh hey, Luuuuuu. ♥
Lu: Yeah. Hello, Flor.
Flor: I thought I'd join you in this wondrous hot tub.
Lu: It's a free country.

Flor: I'd thought you'd enjoy some com-pan-y?
Lu: I've been waiting for Becky-
Flor: I think she's a bit busy with Hans in the pool. But I'm here, so-

Flor: *sploosh*
Lu: Flor, don't splash me!

Flor: I didn't do it on purpose, I slipped!
Lu: Oh really? *snicker, snort*

Poor Flor.

Flor: It's not that funny...
Lu: It was.
Flor: Well, at least I'm here, unlike your girlfriend.
Lu: I keep telling you. She's just hanging in the pool, she's not flirting with other guys. She's not like that.

Mac was so excited to join Mauricio at the pool, he jumped in fully clothed.

Townie: Splash death battle!
Becky: Dude, don't get my hair wet! Ugh, I'm just going to go find my boyfriend!

Flor: Well. Nice of you to join us, Mac, but don't you want to go hang out with your own boyfriend?
Mac: He's teaching his little brother to swim.
Lu: Hey beautiful.
Becky: Hey.
Flor: Oh, and Becky is here too. Wonderful. Now it's a party.

Flor, tired of being sarcastic, went home instead.

Flor: What's up, Umi? You don't feel like playing with your little imaginary friend?
Umi: I did that already.
Flor: Then are you going to hang with Naka?
Umi: I would, but he seems a little busy. I can only assume he's making that face because Wiggley is yelling at him again.

Wiggley: When are you and your brother going to get off your lazy butts and make me real, Naka?! I don't want to wait my entire life to be real so I can get rich and famous!

Naka: Apparently we have to fine rainbow gems, Wiggley! And I don't know what that is, let alone how to find them!

That's what the dogs are for, Naka.

Han: Whee! I can haz?

Naka and Umi tried to find a life outside of the constant pestering of their imaginary friends. A set of twin girls moved to Twinbrook, and one of them decided to visit after school one day. And since one came over, the other soon followed.

Naka: Your lucky streak is over, Raziya. I will win this next round.
Raziya (thecanterburys): That's what you think. Maybe we should try a team round. Umi, go get Rafiki, we'll do boys against girls on the rainbow road.
Umi: A'ight...

Rafiki (thecanterburys): Dude, your house is so colorful! It's awesome.
Umi: Thanks!

Umi: Anyway, my brother and your sister want to strong arm us into a Mariokart battle. Are you game?
Rafiki: Sure!

Rafiki: Why Mariokart? Isn't that a little old school?

Wait, how can Mariokart already be old school-?

Raziya: No worries, Rafiki, you have to love the classics!


Umi: Make a hole, you guys!

Raziya: You are going to burn! Burn, burn, burn!
Naka: Don't bring that smack talk in here, this is my house!
Rafiki: And what a lovely house it is.
Raziya: Perhaps we shall take over said house.
Umi: This is what you get for inviting girls over, man. This.

Flor: Oh, hello Lu! Nice to see you! Lovely evening we're having-!
Lu: Hey, Flor. Are Mac and Mauricio here?
Flor: I don't think so. What's up?

Flor: Lu, what's wrong?
Lu: It's just...I really wanted someone to talk to. I think you were right about Becky. I saw her with Hans at school and they were standing pretty close and whispering and-

Flor: Oh, Lu, don't be sad! Look, I know things seem bleak but soon another lovely, beautifuly superior and charming woman will come into your life.
Lu: Flor-
Flor: In fact, she may even be a part of your life-
Lu: Flor, I appreciate that you're trying to make me feel better but I'm not ready to give up on Becky yet.

Sinbad: This new ice cream machine is delightful.

Naka: Please understand, Wiggley, we need a little bit more time to find another rainbow gem. Also, we can't really run around Twinbrook by ourselves-
Sinbad: Son, you know that no one is there, don't you-?
Naka: She's here, Dad, you just can't see her...

Sinbad: Can my children act normal for one day, for the sake of my own sanity?
Flor: That's just my Dad, Lu, don't mind him. Now as I was saying-

Flor: I hope the general dysfunction doesn't put off Lu from being my future boyfriend.

I don't think that is Lu's so-called setback, Flor.

A generally dysfunctional family, but Sinbad and Veronica have their moments.

Sinbad: Hello, lovely, how about some sugar?

Veronica: Like I've ever said no to you.

Veronica: Sinbad, is that red metal brick glowing?
Sinbad: Never you mind. Let's get down to it, shall we?

Apparently that's a metal called 'woohooium'...and upon reading about what it does, I've decided I don't much like it. =/ Woohoo can never be refused if woohooium is in the room. I get how that might be good for legacies, but really. Rubs me the wrong way.

An acrobat was going to perform and the Red Rendezvous, so there the Moodys went. The acrobat didn't show up, something about being fashionably late, but the Moodys were still there.

Flor: We are going to party tonight. ♪♫♪♫ Because it's your birthday, oh yeah! ♪♫♪♫
Naka: Thanks for that, Flor.
Flor: There is more where that came from, little brother.

Umi: So it's our birthday. We're going to be teenagers.
Naka: Yep. I cannot wait.
Umi: We're going to have to go to school dances and stuff.
Naka: Probably.

Umi: But I don't know how to dance. What if a girl wants to dance with me and I don't know how to dance?

Mac: Hell-o, Maury. I have an idea. What say you and me go hide out in the photobooth and spend some quality time together?

Mauricio: Mac, my parents are here-
Mac: So are mine. They won't find us if we hide, silly.

This is Lu teaching Flor some songs upon her request.

Lu: Yeah, I can teach you some Chinese folk songs. Try this one.

Flor: Okay, I think I got it-
Sinbad: If you think you are going to sully my daughter, think again!
Flor: DAD! Seriously!
Lu: We're just friends, Mr. Moody!
Flor: (...) Dad. Seriously.

Umi: That's pretty interesting I guess-
Naka: Who is this, bro?
Umi: Damien Goode. Apparently he knows how to dance. Says the key to a dude looking good dancing is to not look awkward while putting as little effort as possible into it.

Naka: Seems legit. How's it going, D?
Damien: Well enough. So where's this acrobat?

Umi: The current rumor is the acrobat isn't showing up. So anyway, what do you know about girls?
Damien: Seriously?
Naka: No, he's not serious. He's joking. You're joking, right Umi?
Umi: Actually-
Naka: See, he's totally joking.

Raziya: No acrobat? Why did I even come here.

We waited so long for the acrobat to show up, the boys decided to have their birthdays without their cakes.

Naka: Let's get this show on the road!
Umi: Wait, I'm not ready!
Naka: Too bad!

Naka rolled Eccentric for his fourth trait. He's a great blend of his parents - I think that's just a large version of Veronica's nose, anyway. But I know those are her eyes, and his mouth looks like a blend. Those down-turned lips suit his Grumpy trait, don't they?

Umi rolled Perfectionist for his fourth trait. He and Naka look a lot alike, except Umi has Veronica's face shape and Naka has Sinbad's. Otherwise I'd say they were identical, but unfortunately they are not.

Umi: Naka, you can stop hitting me with that horn. It's over.
Naka: I guess I better go find something else fun to do.

Naka: Hey, Raziya. Thanks for coming to the party. Are you having fun?

Raziya: I thought some famous acrobat was supposed to be here.
Naka: We got a notice they'd be fashionable late-
Raziya: It's almost one in the morning! Whatever, I'm out of here.

Back at the ranch, the imaginary friends were aging into less cute teenage-sized dolls.

Naka: What the hell is with the screaming?! I'm trying to sleep!

Wiggley: MAKE. ME. REAL!
Naka: Damn it, Wiggley!

Rex: You're looking chipper this mornig, Umi-
Umi: Yeah, I get it.

Best friends forever.

The twins finally took their rainbow gems down to the Twinbrook science center.

That's a lot of cheddar.

Naka: Mom, Umi and I need to talk to you.
Veronica: What is it, boys?
Naka: Umi and I need nine thousand simoleons for the science center.

Veronica: That's a lot of money, Naka. What do you two need it for?
Naka: We need it to turn our imaginary friends real.
Veronica: Boys, I have, like, a hundred imaginary friends. You don't see me turning them real.

Umi: Mom, Wiggley and Rex are different in that they aren't crazy delusions. Naka and I aren't crazy. Besides, the science center could pick up their energy readings. I don't know why it costs so much to make the potion, considering we did all the work finding the rainbow gems to make them-
Veronica: I don't know, Umi. We've been saving our money to expand the house so there's enough room for the next generation.

Naka: Mom, there must be a way to get the money. I really need to turn Wiggley real, I cannot be the only that can see or hear her forever. It's like being stuck in a marriage and I'm an unwilling party. It's really, really awful.
Umi: Please, Mom?

Veronica: I can see this is really important to you. Tell you what, if you boys get part-time jobs and meet me halfway with the cost, I'll give you the money.
Umi: Thanks Mom!
Naka: Yeah, thanks Mom.

Mac: ...and the the pillowcase said to the rubber tree-
Damion: I keep telling you, Moody. Mauricio isn't here.

Mac: I just thought I'd wait. That school project we've been doing together is really important.
Damion: Nobody believes the school project story, dude! Go. Home. I think Mauricio is there anyway. Isn't it your birthday or something?

Mauricio: Mmmm, ice cream!

Turns out Damion was correct.

Lu: And then the physicist said to the squirrel "It had nothing to do with pie!" Get it? Pie?!

Flor: Haha, Lu, that's so funny! You are so funny!
Lu: I'm glad you li-
Flor: You're really, really funny, Lu-
Lu: Um-
Flor: I can't stop laughing!

Flor has managed to make Lu her friend, awkward as it is since she keeps flirting with him.

Flor: Do you want to see something awesome?

Lu: Over there? You mean that new bench? I've seen it already-
Flor: No, I mean mind-blowingly awesome!

Flor: going to eat this dirt.
Lu: What?! Don't you have dogs-?!

Flor: Omnomnomnom!
Lu: Holy gods, Flor, don't do it, seriously!

Flor: Bleh!
Lu: That is incredibly groody.

Not the best way to make Lu your boyfriend, Flor. Not that I condone such behavior. >.>

Umi: Don't go outside. It's so awkward, it's sad.
Rafiki: Hee. Noted.

Umi: So where is Raziya tonight?
Rafiki: She's working late at the store. They've been a little understaffed where she works.
Umi: Really? Maybe I should look into that.

Goodwin: What is with all this noise?!

Everyone is excited because they're at a birthday party. You're at a party, Goodwin.

Goodwin: Yes, but why is it noisy?

Clara: Gym socks at your birthday cake? Really? That's just wrong!

You don't even have the Inappropriate trait, Clara!

Mac: Uhh...I'm not sure about this.

Grown-up Mac Moody. :D He rolled Dog Person as his fifth trait, which will go perfectly with the fact that the Moodys are now and forever pug breeders. His lifetime wish is World Class Gallery, so I guess I need to find him a camera. :P But I adore everything about him.

Sinbad: You did good, son! And I don't mean that literally.
Goodwin: Pheh. My son did better.
Veronica: Why is it a contest?
Sinbad: Babe. It's always a contest.

Mauricio: This party sucks! Boo!
Mac: Maury, what are you doing?
Mauricio: I have to keep up appearances, Mac, that's all.

Mac: Do you know what I'd like for my birthday?
Mauricio: Mac, we can't. Our parents might walk by at any moment.

Mac does not care anymore.

Sinbad: What the bloody hell?
Veronica: This isn't going to be good.

And I think that's enough for now. :3 There will be one more update, and then an heir poll. In the meantime, I have created the download page for the Moodys, so enjoy!

Leia Moody credit goes to ufailedatlife
Rafiki and Raziya Canterbury credit goes to thecanterburys

Thanks for reading! ♥

legacy: moody, moody: generation 1

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