((( archive ))) ((( download )))WARNING: Strong language, sexual themes, babies, babies, babies
Last Time: The twins finally stopped fighting after I figured out the fight was prolonged by a glitch. Memphis convinced Victoria to get her head out of her butt and run back to Cael. Luckily it worked. Cael and Victoria made up, got hitched, and got pregnant, relatively in that order. Sanji is trying to convince Evan and Kendra to send him to boarding school in Queenstown, which makes poor Dylan jealous. Cricket and Kain continue to be hot. Moses and Memphis started getting more serious, so Memphis broke it off with Lukas. Not that Lukas was very happy about it, or Memphis, for that matter. But he should really figure out what he wants, because Moses is ready to start a family, so a question was popped.
OF COURSE Memphis said yes. He may have conflicting feelings for two men, but he still adores Moses.
Moses: I picked out the best of the bling because I know how much you love shiny things. ♥
Memphis: Oh, Moses, it's beautiful! I'm so happy!
Moses: Me too, Memphis. Me too.
Moses: I think our wedding colors should be blue and red-
Cricket: Memphis's favorite color is spiceberry.
Moses: Ooooooh, that's way prettier than blue and red! Or we could have three wedding colors-!
Cricket: Can we not have a stupid happy wedding color conversation? Kthnx.
Cricket is grumpy because almost no one showed up to her recital except her parents. Stupid siblings. :P
Wang (turns out that's his name) performed a martial arts demonstation that evening. And I discovered my third baby gnome, jeez.
I think the one laying on the ground, Cody, is old. That's all he does these days. :(
Victoria is having an awful pregnancy. She's constantly sore and throwing up, poor dear.
Speaking of...
Moses: Don't inhale your food, dear.
Memphis: Don't start sounding like my mother, ugh.
Moses: I made us an appointment with a private physician, who is familiar with the reproduction science your great-grandmothers pioneered. We should head out soon.
Memphis: You want to get going with that kind of thing now?
Moses: Why not?
Memphis: Well...I guess if you want to-
Moses: Then it's settled.
And so Memphis and Moses head to the medical offices to meet this reproductive expert. Heh. "Reproductive Expert". XD
Grumpy Moses is grumpy.
Moses: Excuse me? Can you stop your spider solitaire session long enough to check us in for our appointment?
Snotty Secretary: Sir, this is a very privileged office with a waiting list unlike that of a Monster Ball. So you should sit down and shut up until you feel like asking me politely what you want. Unless, of course, you wish to resort to bribery.
Snotty Secretary: Oh, Mr. Storms! I didn't realize you were together. I'll let Dr. Morikono know you and Mr. Kalos are here.
Memphis: How does she know who I am?
Memphis: So, Moses, you're kind of springing all this on me. I know I said I wanted a big family, but I'm a little overwhelmed. Don't you think we're moving too fast?
Moses: Not at all. We've been together forever, and I'd like to start a family while we're still young. I don't want to be sixty days old and still have a teenager hanging off my apron string.
Memphis: You do know we still have to find a new house? And now we'll have to try to find a family style house in this market-
Moses: Why are you freaking out about this? We're just starting a family! People do that all the time.
Memphis: I guess you're right.
Memphis: I'm just nervous about being a father.
Moses: But you're a little bit excited, right?
Secretary: The doctor will see you now, Mr. Storms. Mr. Kalos.
Memphis: Just in the nick of time.
Marti: It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Storms! Dr. Marti Morikono, at your service. I worked closely with Dr. Parker Storms and Dr. Jacqueline Crescendo during the preliminary studies of this technology.
Memphis: How is that possible? My great-grandmothers died ages ago.
Marti: Let's just say there were some unique circumstances involved.
Memphis: *whispers* Moses, does this doctor strike you as strange?
Moses: It's fine, Memphis, would you please relax??
Marti: So talk about out of the frying pan and into the fryer! I'm excited to see how the new pill for male pregnancy works. Previously Dr. Storms had to use a series of injections.
Memphis: Yes. I think my second cousin, Kiley, is a result of my Great-Uncle Neil's pregnancy.
Marti: Well, all that aside, I'm not entirely convinced the new medication is ready-
Moses: Hold up, are you saying you're not going to help us?! A) I know for a fact this pill was on the black market, because I saw a pregnant man at the stylist's! b) This technology belongs to the Storms family-!
Memphis: Moses, let me talk to him.
Memphis: My fiancé is right. I think we even own the primary stock share of this facility. So I don't think it's wise to hold out on us.
Marti: All I ask is that you remain on call. Let me stop by and check up on the father and the child once in awhile. It's a good idea.
Why did you chose this time to have a Neurotic breakdown, Memphis?
Memphis: Oh, gods, I'm not ready to be pregnant!
Marti: Oh, Mr. Storms, that wouldn't be a good idea anyway, given your mental disposition.
Moses: No problem. I was planning on doing that part anyway.
For some reason, Dr. Morikono took them all the way downstairs for this part. Because it's the super secrety part.
Marti: I want you to keep this on the down low, okay Mr. Kalos?
Moses: Um. Alright.
Marti: Here's the pill. I need you to swallow this entirely, and don't let it break. It has a time release capsule. Several, in fact.
Moses: That whole thing?! It's fucking huge!
Marti: Regardless, you need to do it. Perhaps in the future we will have smaller pills, but for now this is the only way.
Memphis: Think of all the time you'll be getting beautiful at the spa while pregnant, baby.
Moses: I guess.
Moses: *gulp*
Memphis does not find this at all arousing, nope.
Moses: Holy crow, that's vile.
Memphis: But it's done. Can we go home now?
Marti: Certainly. I'll be in touch, Mr. Storms. Mr. Kalos. Good day.
Marti: They're gone. You can stop lurking now.
?: Well?
Marti: He took the pill.
Elvira: Excellent. Our plan is working wonderfully.
Memphis had the urge to brush his teeth three times once he and Moses returned to cake house.
Sanji: So, Dad? Any thoughts on the prep school I told you about?
Evan: Sure, Sanji, there's quite a few thoughts.
Evan: I mean, we can certainly afford it, and it looks like an excellent school. But I need to discuss it with you mother one more time-
Sanji: Sweet! I'll start packing!
Sanji: Brooklynn?! Guess what, it looks like I'm moving to Queenstown! Well, Dad said he had to talk to Mom one more time, but I don't think that will be a big deal. I miss you so much!
Evan: Princess, I don't think Sanji is going to let this boarding school idea go. Are you still against the idea?
Kendra: My baby wants to move across the world to go to school away from home. That's kind of a big deal.
Evan: I agree. But it does look like a really nice school.
Kendra: Oh, I know. Maybe I should go talk to him. To make sure his head is in the right place.
Evan: All right. I'm going to go look at the website again so see if the semester he wants is still available.
Kendra: All right, Evan.
Kendra: I can't believe my youngest is getting so big!
Sanji: *severely muffled* Mom! I can't breathe!
Kendra: I'm sorry, Sanji. I'm just very nervous about sending you to Queenstown.
Sanji: Why? It's a very good boarding school.
Kendra: I know, but didn't that little girl you used to play with move to Queenstown? I want to make sure you're going for the best reasons.
Sanji: Don't be silly, mother, I wouldn't make such a life-changing decision for a girl.
Sure you wouldn't, Sanji Storms.
Sanji: Going to this prep school will give me a head start in life, Mom. I really think this is the best thing for me.
Kendra: All right, son. If that's what you really want.
So I had Evan sign Sanji up for boarding school. *wibble*
Sanji is absolutely thrilled.
Sanji: Hooray! I'm finally going to Queenstown!
Dylan: Lucky duck.
Dylan might be slightly jealous. Might be. Slightly.
Dylan: So a promise is a promise. Can you give this to Bishop for me?
Sanji: That's quite a letter.
Dylan: Not just a letter. I put the Bento Box in their too.
Sanji: Wow, that box is going to be like the gift that keeps on giving.
Dylan: I just wanted to include something fun to supplement the really long, sappy, and slightly depressing letter.
Sanji: TMI, Dylan.
Sanji: It'll be all right, Dylan. I get the feeling he won't be entirely surprised to learn the truth.
Dylan: If you say so.
I've been antsy about the climax of this situation since Aisha hinted to Bishop there was a Cricket AND a Dylan. *wiggles* I hope we get Bishop back on screen soooooon...
Victoria is getting huge. She's be waddling around the house autonomously cleaning and doing laundry.
*hearts Family-Oriented sims*
Why, hello there, Hugo! I'm always happy to see you.
Except when you wake up Sanji in the middle of the night.
Sanji: Grandpa, can you faint in fear someplace else? I need plenty of sleep for my flight to boarding school tomorrow.
Interrupted sleep aside, Sanji was on his way the next morning.
*sniff sniff* Goodbye, Sanji.
In other family news, Moses has popped.
Moses: Well, I'll be damned.
He manages to catch Memphis just before he leaves for work.
Moses: It's the craziest thing, Memphis, but that pill worked! I think I'm pregnant!
Memphis: That's amazing, Moses! Wow, I feel like we're living in the future!
Speaking of pregnant people, Victoria is still baby bump-tastic.
Victoria: Soon I'll have a baby and life will be bliss.
And by soon, we mean NOW!
Victoria: This is not at all how I imagined it! Cael? CAEL!
Kendra: Do you really have a grandchild in there for me, son?
Moses: Pretty sure, yeah.
Kendra: Far out!
Kendra's been wearing that outfit to work lately, I'm thinking she's playing some sort of HBIC super villain.
I bring you Evan's final emergency call. AT LAST!!
Evan: Kid, you need to stop clinging to my leg in fear if you want me to help these people.
This is Marcus's son, and I don't remember his name. They have a grown daughter stuck in the house too. He married Lil' Piddy of the Los Aniegos Piddys.
Cute kid, but majorly annoying. :P
I was not related to any of the people in this fire except for the Marcus spawn. Thank goodness.
Meanwhile, Victoria brought home an Evil and Clumsy baby girl named Wendie.
Victoria: herp
And as soon as that happened, Memphis rolled a very interesting want. I think all the talk of babies, plus Wendie's arrival, finally made him long for commitment.
Memphis: I think I should marry Moses, Mom.
Kendra: Not going to lie, I was wondering why you haven't already. *giant plus*
I'm beyond thrilled to have the nursery occupied again. Even if it isn't an heir-eligible baby.
Cael: May I please hold our daughter, Victoria, please please please...
Victoria: Just a second, sweetie.
You're just going to have to sneak a turn, Cael.
Obligatory father-daughter shot. ♥♥♥
Memphis and Dylan fight over their niece.
Dylan: But Memphis, I wanted to hold her!
Memphis: I currently need more practice than you do. Also, you'll have plenty of time for baby holding once you inherit.
Dylan: 'Plenty of time', he says. Whatever.
Dylan Storms - artsy little starlet in the making, or so she thinks.
I've never seen them autonomously dance together before! For a household that loves their dancing, everyone wants to dance by themselves like no one is watching. They look far too serious together.
It's Evan's birthday!
Evan: Not that I'm ungrateful for living a full, long life after dying the first time, but these sparkles feel unsettling.
Evan is old! D:
Evan: My lumbar spine!
After finishing his birthday cake outside (at the only table not crawling with partiers), Evan cane struts aside to retire. (!!!)
Evan: You want to pay me more money a week for retiring than my current pension? Well...if that's what you want.
Seriously, they're giving us §500 more a week since Evan retired a hero! Kickass.
Hooray for Evan! Hooray the Firefighter career will no longer try and destroy me!
Marcus: Hooray for Evan the hero! Thanks so much for saving my children, sir!
Evan: You're welcome, Marcus.
Obligatory grandmother-granddaughter shot. ♥♥♥
Cricket remains an exceptional Los Aniegos musician. She'll make a great movie composer.
Cricket: You wish you were as talented as me.
She also remains the meanest sim in Los Anigos.
Kendra: Young lady, that behavior is inappropriate. I've always been even-tempered with my children after growing up with your grandmother. But I'm putting my foot down when you talk to me that way.
Cricket: Whatever, Mom.
Cricket: I can't wait to get out of here. After losing the inheritance, I used to really hate the idea of leaving Dylan, even when we were fighting. But the more I think about moving, the more the idea of getting away from the family appeals to me.
Kain: Where are you going to go?
Cricket: Well, I can't go far. But at least it's somewhere else besides here.
Kain: Yeah, I know what you mean. I can't wait to get out of the house and live by myself.
Cricket: Oh, I may want to move, but I don't want to live by myself. In fact, I have a "roommate" in mind.
Kain: Uh...
Cricket: He's this ginger kid that wants to be the next Gordon Ramsay. In which case he'll have to stick with someone that actually knows how to be mean-
Kain: I get the picture, Cricket.
After that, Cricket and Kain watched the stars together, dreaming about the future they'd have together, which sometimes seems a million light-years away. Like it does for most Teens.
Evan enjoys his retirement pretty much the same way he enjoyed everyday since
day one of the job.
Laundry spam!
Kendra: Only clean sheets and clothes for my grandchildren.
Cael drank several mugs of coffee, so he couldn't sleep. Naturally he figured it gave him the right to wake his poor wife.
Cael: Oh, Victoriaaaaa...
Victoria: *mumble grumble*
Victoria: Did you really just wake me up for woohoo?
Cael: Er. *nervous laugh* Y-yes?
Victoria: You are lucky you did not lie.
Cael: Hooray!
Memphis: OMG, what do we do now?! Did Dr. Morikono say how you're going to deliver this thing?!
Moses: THE HOSPITAL seems like a good idea!
Moses: Yes, hospital would be good, because I'm pretty sure this much pain isn't right.
But everything went well, and Moses and Memphis came home with a healthy, Perceptive baby boy named Motoki. Who happens to Hate the Outdoors, just so you know.
Motoki isn't the only one having a birthday today.
Dylan: It seems like the days go by so fast.
Dylan: So, Mom? Any advice before I become Heir?
Kendra: I just flew by the seat of my pants, and it went fine. Just find a mate and have lots of babies.
Dylan: Sure, Mom, I'll get right on that.
But first, hopscotch.
Dylan: Piece of cake, this game.
Dylan: Damn, the rock was on the five, wasn't it?
Dylan: Awwww, shucks!
XD I was so thrilled to see that animation.
It's Dylan's birthday, naturally making it Cricket's as well. Cricket decides to head out with a bang by leaving one last prank to terrorize her family.
I caught Victoria being sick again, oh my. ^.~
Kain did not show up to the birthday party.
Cricket: Where is my stupid boyfriend?!
Maybe we should give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he couldn't come because he's becoming a Young Adult somewhere.
Cricket: All the more reason for him to show up! *grumble grumble*
Cricket: Adulthood, here I come!
Cricket: Yippee.
Now it's Dylan's turn to blow out the candles. But first-
Cricket: *sparkles*
Cricket Storms, hubba hubba. I never realized how much they look like Kendra, they always seemed to take after Evan before. ♥ Cricket rolled Easily Impressed as her final trait, and wants to be a Hit Movie Composer someday.
Memphis: Quit yelling in my ear, lady, I'm trying to celebrate for my sisters!
Cricket: Dissension from my brother, what a nice birthday present.
Memphis: I try.
Dylan: I'm fairly certain everyone knows what my wish is, so it isn't worth mentioning.
It wouldn't come true that way anyway.
Everyone: Hooray, Dylan!
Emilie: Whatever, I just want cake.
Dylan: *sparkles*
And here we have the underdog heir, Dylan Storms. Artistic is her final trait, which I probably should have guessed. Her LTW is the same as Kendra's, which shouldn't be too hard to grant since Dylan managed to procure thee stars before her YA birthday. She's beautiful, and once we convince Bishop Amell his genes are needed, we'll have plenty fine children running around here.
Cricket and Dylan are
now available for download.
And I'm leaving you there. ♥
Victoria Miller credit goes to
siouxpergirl Kalos Family credit goes to
mykasimsEvan and Mallorie Pause credit goes to
pauselegacyAudrey Jackson credit goes to
gottsimsVermont Parvenu credit goes to
ohsimsBishop and Brooklyn Amell credit goes to
tiptoehappiness Thanks for reading! ♥