I think every time I post an Heir Poll, my readership jumps. XD I think that's awesome. I ♥ you guys.
Anyway, I'm bothering you because this is literally a photo finish of an Heir Poll. I don't know who's going to win between one time of day and the next, so if you haven't voted,
get to it. I've decided to close the poll at an exact time tomorrow
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Haven't heard anything about a new world yet, but I'm also assuming one will be included. Where else will all us legacy players uproot our families to?
Veronica there looks fantastic! I understand not wanting to write two legacies at once, but I can't say I'll be disappointed if you, you know, "just can't stand [waiting] anymore." XD
I hope we get a new one! New EA worlds are always full on little gems to discover. I'm excited about the new playground. Seesaws!
Veronica is way too fun to play. It's just a crazy idea to write two at once, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't give into crazy ideas once in while. ;)
/may have started playing a second legacy not so long ago as well
*EURGH* BUT WHY??! ;_;
XD And how is that working out for you, my dear??
Why? Because I want to see more of your Sims for completely selfish reasons, of course! WHY WON'T YOU ENABLE ME IN THAT?
It's working out . . . unexpectedly, let's say. If you don't want to be at all spoiled, I'll just say that it's been a lot of fun and quite surprising. I'm not going to be posting it for a while, or even playing very much for that matter, but I've had fun with the little I've played.
I REFUSE TO GIVE INTO PEER PRESSURE! Okay, maybe I'll give in a little...
Okay. ^.^ I'm glad you're having fun, that's the whole point of gaming. But, what do you mean you're not going to be playing? :( Does that include all your games?? I don't think you should be selfish about me not posting if I can't be selfish about you not posting. And I can. Be selfish. :P
Haha, we can both be selfish, that's perfectly legit. But don't worry, I am playing, I just meant that I want to keep most of my focus on the Crescendos right now. And my reprieve from too many kids didn't hold in my other game. But yes, I'm finally finishing up a Crescendo update right now, and hope to have another one out next week as well, so no worries there. XD
Why, what will happen if I don't?
I'm glad you're focusing on the Crescendos, tbh, not that I won't love anything else you do considering how much I loved your simdump, but I am attached to your legacy. XD I'd bet the reason you're not getting a reprieve is because you can't resist the breeding results. And I don't hear anyone complaining.
Um, I will continue to make empty threats? You're putting me on the spot here! I don't know what will happen, but something will, MARK MY WORDS. lol
D'aww, thanks, love. ♥ I'm pretty attached to them too. And you're partly right about why I will never get a reprieve - the other reason is, of course, the multiples curse of my game. -_- I may complain, but not very forcefully. ;)
CONSIDER YOUR WORDS MARKED! Though I'm not quite sure what that means, I will try to anticipate it. >.>
Wow, you had a multiples curse again?! Is it one of the mods you're using you think? Or just a weird quirk? Maybe EA made .001% of the games that way because they're cruel and unusual.
P.S. You're too cute! ♥
lololol, and I suppose for my part, I will try to give you something to anticipate. Terrifying, right?
I don't think I have any mods that would up the odds - just a bunch of Twallan mods and a mod to fix the mood glitches caused by LN. However, I do have to wonder if multiples might be a bit genetic. I haven't heard anything about it, but with my game, yeah, have to wonder.
I am terrified in the happiest way possible. Sort of like when you know you're about to get tickled to death.
Your game is the only one I noticed with that particular genetic tendency. Glory, Logan, and Luca all had multiples in my game so you might be on to something. I notice that Logan tended to always have triplets first go, no matter what game he was in. :P
Haha, that seems a pretty apt analogy of terror to me!
My game really does seem to be spreading the multiples around. I can't imagine EA would make that genetic, but it'd be a crazy-huge coincidence if not. *shrugs* You're right about Logan; I never noticed that! Heck, he even had triplets in my own game, for that matter!
Yeah, I do understand why it'd be much better to go after everything has wrapped. I mean, you can't argue with holding an Academy Award! It sounds amazing though - my jealousy is growing exponentially to how much you tell me! ;)
We don't get much - or any, really - filming around here so I don't personally have any opportunity for stalking, though I've met my share of hockey players and musicians through work. Hockey players tip amazingly, but whatever, that in no way compares to the Viggo stalking you're just going to have to do! And I do mean "have to." XD
D'aww, Logan, I adore him. ♥ No matter what kind of pawn he's become for EA's dastardly ways.
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