his name is gizmo. he makes strange noises. he has really really soft fur. he has the face of a bunny, ears of a mouse, whiskers of a cat, tail of a squirrel, feet and hands of a hamster, and is just adorable overall. he also runs really fast and will put his nose up to you when you make kissing noises (he nibbled on my lip when i did that today!). i want to let him run around the house, but then he'd get lost or something, i guess. so we let him run around in his red plastic ball, and he poops all over the carpet. i feel bad that he doesn't get a lot of freedom--he's either in his cage, being held, or in a ball. i guess i just don't like the idea of domesticated animals sometimes.
in other news, aaron got back from south africa on sunday, and i drove us down to morro bay, where we proceeded to have an awesome day on monday biking around morro rock and the state park, and then going on a hike across the bay. beautiful BEAUTIFUL scenery up there. okay, back to doing homework now.